Chapter 4

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I just wanted to say thank you guys for all the support this is probably one of my fastest updates so its not so long, but I promise you will love it.

We changed out of are are bathing suits and started to watch TV, when my mom got home from work.

"Harry, it's nice seeing you and Osmara hangout again, just like old times. Would you like to stay for dinner?" My mom asked Harry.

"Yes that would be lovely." Harry replied.

"Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes, go do some homework or something instead of watching TV." My mom told us.

Fuck, I actually do need to do my math homework.

"Come on." I told Harry to follow me.

We went to my room and I got out my math book and jumped on my Bed.

"Harry can you please help me? I don't get any of these problems." I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Sure," I moved over so Harry could sit next to me on my bed. "What is it that you don't get?"

"Are you kidding me? It's everything!" I yelled.

He just giggled,"Okay calm down, I'm here to help you." Harry pulled the math book closer to him and turned to my assigned page. I grabbed my notebook and started to write down the equations. He helped me out through every step of the way. I was actually getting it for the first time. At one point I reached to turn the page as did Harry and our hands brushed against eachothers. I don't know why but I got butterflies when our hands touched. I could feel my cheeks turn red. Wow I'm such a little kid.

"Thanks! I don't know what I would of done without you." I gave Harry a quick hug when we finished with my math homework.

"You probably wouldn't done it." He laughed as we pulled away, "I'm always going to be here for you," he looked me in the eyes and I could tell he meant it. "If you ever need help with homework." He added.

"Oh...yeah, homework pshh I knew that." I laughed awkwardly because I thought he was talking about something else.

"And if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here too." Harry grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together. I looked down at our hands and realized his hand fits in mine like its made just for me.

"Dinners ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

We slowly pulled our fingers away and got up. "We should go." I told him and we made our way to the kitchen.


"Thanks for dinner Mrs. Stone." Harry said after we were done eating.

"Harry how long have you known me? Call me Susana, I don't call you Harold." My mom winked at Harry. Awkward.

"Alright, well thanks again, but I should go its getting late." Harry excused himself from the table.

I jumped out of my seat and followed him to my room so he could get his stuff. "Do you have to leave?" I asked blocking the doorway, so he couldn't get out.

"It's getting late, but I can always come back tomorrow." Harry grabbed his stuff.

I don't know why but all of a sudden I felt this sexual frustration that I just had to get out of me "Harry I haven't had sex like in a month and I'm going crazy." I walked closer to Harry.

"What?" Harry seemed a little confused.

"I want you." I slammed my lips onto his. I cupped his checks with my hands. It took Harry a second to understand what was going on but as soon as he realized that I was kissing him, he kissed me back. He grabbed my waist and kissed me harder. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we made out, then all of a sudden Harry's hands go down under my ass getting a good grip while holding me up. I then wrap my legs around his torso.

He breaks the kiss and says, "I'm going to slam you on the desk and do you all night long just like my homework." With one hand he clears the desk and slams me on it with my legs still wrapped around his torso. I can feel him getting hard for me.

His hands go up as I take off his shirt and throw it on the ground. I grab his neck and pull him in closer. I keep making out with him. We just became craveful for each other. "How about we check out the spring capacity on your mattress?" He asked all out of breath and I just nod my head with a smile on my face. He then lifts me up off the desk and makes his way to lay me on my bed. He seductively hovers over me as he's about to continue kissing me.

"Osmara! Harry is leaving!" I hear my mom yell. What....? I blink a couple times them rub my eyes. I look around and I'm not in my room? I'm still sitting down on the dinner table.

What the fuck just happend? Was I day dreaming?

I run to my room to see that Harry's things are gone. I run to the door and see that he's about to walk out.

"Harry!" I yelled and he turns around. I didn't know what to say? Do I tell him I just had the craziest daydream of us making out? " Thanks for coming." I smiled at him awkwardly.

"Thanks for inviting me I had lots of fun, we should do this again." He smiled and I could see his cute little dimples.

"Uhhh...Yes, yes we should." I replied with a big grin on my face.

"See you tomorrow." Harry said as he closed the door.

Didn't see that one coming didn't you? Tell me what you thought!

I'm about to hit 600 reads thanks guys for reading! I love you all, especially all of those who comment and vote (:

Please also check out some of my other fans fics, like 'Summer Love' I almost have 7k reads on that one(:

I will try to update again when I get 15 votes(: I just can't believe I got the 10 votes in 2 days! You guys are amazayn(;

Love you all!!


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