Chapter 3

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"Good afternoon class" Mrs. Cara came in class singing.

"Good afternoon." The class harmonized. I looked at Harry and he looked excited. Choir was one of my favorite classes. I get to express myself in a different way.

"Class we have a new student, his name is Harry Marcel Styles. Is Harry here?" Mrs. Cara looked around the classroom.

", hi I-I'm Harry." Harry stuttered.

"Welcome Harry, please come to the front of the class." Mrs. Cara asked him. Harry got up there and Mrs. Cara asked him some questions like where did you come from, how old are you, and why are you taking this class? "Well you see in London we didnt have the option to take choir, so I thought why not, plus I like to sing in the shower." He got some giggles out from the class.

"Please, give me a break." I heard Liam whisper to himself. Liam is the star in choir, well not only choir in drama too. He gets all the leads in everything I don't mind it because he is the best one, but it wouldn't kill him to be nice to other people every once in a while.

"Well that's good to hear you like to sing, most people just take choir because they think its an easy A, but it's not." Mrs. Cara said to Harry. Harry walked calmly back to me. "Now class can you please go outside for a second except for Harry. I need to find out whats his vocal range."

"Good luck" I whispered to Harry and patted him on the back as I got up. He just smiled. The class got up and went outside the class room.

"Hey Osmara, what's the nerds story?" Liam came up to me.

"His name is Harry, and he use to live here." I said. "I thought he was from London?" Hottie, but stupid as fuck. "He moved when he was small." I said and then I started to walk away.

"Hold up," Liam grabbed my elbow and pulled me.


"Do you want to go to the movies this weekend?" He winked at me. I like him but he's such a jerk sometimes, though he's a great kisser.

"I'll think about it." All of a sudden I hear this beautiful sound. I turn around and peak though the window and see Harry singing. What the fuck?

"He can sing?" Me and Liam say at the same time. I would of never guessed he was that good. I do remember when we were small he would always sing to me, but I thought he would grow out of it.

"Looks like your not going to be the star anymore." I said to Liam.

"Please, you know I'm way better than that." Liam tried to sound all cool but I could tell he was dying in the inside.

When they were done we went back to class and sat down. "Harry I didn't know you could sing?" I gently punched his arm.

"Like I said before there's a lot you don't know about me." There we go again, what is that suppose to mean? Ignoring what he said, I ask, "so what are you?"


"Nice, I'm and soprano." I smile.

"She told me to audition for the play." He added. "Yeah you should, what role?"

"Danny" he whispered. I'm going to be sick! Danny? You got to be kidding me, those parts were made for me and Liam! Liam oh no...he's going to destroy Harry. I need to make sure Harry doesn't get the part, or else I don't know what Liam would do. I need to talk to him. "

What are you doing today after school?" I asked Harry.

"Um? Err.. Nothing I guess, I don't have homework." He thought about it.

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