Chapter 6

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Theirs going to be lot of bad words so if you don't like that I'm sorry lol

"You heard me! If we aren't going out and we've fucked what does that make you, a slut?" I flew my hand across his face and slapped him. I didn't say anything back I just slapped him and walked away. I was trying to hold back the tears but some how they found a way to slip out. Liam was right. I didn't love him, but we did it. Not just once but multiple times. I think the only reason I did it with him was because I felt lonely and wanted to feel loved for a while, even though I knew he didn't love me.

I went inside the bathroom and tried to clean my mascara running down my face. I clean as much as possible until the bell rang. I looked in the mirror and tried to pull off a fake smile. I walked into class and sat on my desk and tried to ignore everyone looking at me. I just wanted this day to be over.

"Hey Osmara are you okay, I heard that you slapped Liam." I was pulled out of thought when I heard Harry's voice.

"Uh?" I was so distracted to hear what he even said.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh yeah," I gave him a fake smile,"why would you ask that?"

"Well, I was walking down the hall and I heard some guys talking about you and Liam." Harry whispered to me.

"Yeah, we just had a misunderstanding." I didn't feel like talking about it, so I just turned to face the front of the class, just in time as Mr.Pryzer walked into class. The whole class period I was distracted by my own thoughts.

Lunch was the same, I sat with Mery and Zayn. Mery tried to ask me what happend but I just told her that I would tell her later when we were alone.

"Have you seen Harry?" Zayn asked.

As a matter of fact I haven't. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice he wasn't with us.

"No,why?" I asked.

"Well in weights he heard Liam talking smack about you and Harry got really mad and went up to him and started defending you." Zayn filled me in.

"What was Liam saying?" I only heard the part that Liam was talking shit about me.

"Um...I rather not say." Zayn whispered.

"Please tell me I won't get mad."I begged.

"Don't be a dick and just tell her." Mery softly pushed him.

"Okay, he said, that he slept with you and you would beg on your knees for him to fuck you." What! The! Fuck! I never begged him! He was the one that was always asking me! I can't believe him right know.

"That douchbag, thats all bullshit! I can't believe him." I got up and speed walked out of the cafeteria. I was going to find him and kill him.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" I heard coming from the corner of the halls. "Get him Liam." I heard some guy yell. I followed the noise to see Harry and Liam fighting. Harry was being held up by Louis and Josh as Liam punched Harry in the stomach like a punching bag. Making his glasses fly off his face.

"Stop! Liam stop it!" I ran in front of him and pushed him. From the corner of my eyes I saw Louis and Josh throwing Harry to the ground as he curled up into a ball.

"What do you want? I'm in the middle of something can't you see?"Liam yelled at me then took his opportunity to lie even more. "Or are you here to beg me?"

All of the people around started laughing at his comment.

"What the fuck is wrong with you I never begged you for sex?! You were the one always asking for it." I punched his chest, but that didn't do anything.

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