Chapter 10

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I tried on the rest of the clothes; I liked most of it. I ended up getting 6 pairs of pants, 3 different styles of black and the rest are dark blue jeans.

Mery made me get a bunch of white and black T- shirts because she said they looked really good. I also got a couple of plaid shirts, a jean jacket, and a leader jacket.

I ended up spending 160 dollars at forever 21. I guess it wasn't that bad for everything I got.

"I really want some t shirts with band logos and things like that," I tell Mery as we exit the store.

"There's hot topic; Zayn loves to shop there." She smiled at the mention of Zayn.

"Can we go there?"

"Yeah!" She hooked her arm with my arm and lead the way.

"It's very dark in here." I say as we stand outside the store. It's actually very scary. Everyone that works here wears eyeliner and their hair is all different colors. It's very intimidating.

"Calm down they aren't going to hurt you." Mery pushes me inside.

"Hi welcome to Hot Topic can I help you with anything?" A guy about my age with a Mohawk and piercings all over his face came up to us.

"No." "Yes" Mery and I say at the same time.

"Yes we would like some help" Mery looks at me, "He is looking for some shirts with a band logo on it." Mery tells the guy.

"What type of music are you into, Mozart?" He laughs.

"Um. No I like Pink Floyd, The 1975, The Beatles, and The Ramones." I say defending myself.

"Alright dude, that's what's up!" He high fives me, "You came to the right place, follow me."

He showed us a couple shirts that I liked. I didn't really feel like trying them on so I got them.

Thanks goodness they were having a buy one get one half off, otherwise I wouldn't have enough money to buy a pair of shoes.

"Is there anything else you would like to get?" Mery asks as we leave Hot Topic.

"Um yeah, I want some converse, I promise that will be the last thing." I feel bad because I'm waisting her time when she could be studying.

"Harry it's okay, I love to go shopping even when it's not for me, but I always love to help out and make the world a little more fashionable. Come on let's go get your shoes."

We entered Journeys, and I got a pair of white converse.

"Thanks for your help Mery, I don't know if I could have pulled this off without you." I tell her and pull her into a hug.

"Ha, no problem I'm always here if you need to go shopping," she says as we pull way from the hug," I'm hungry you want to go get something to eat before we leave?"

"Yeah, I have 25 dollars left, the least I can do is buy you some food."

"Harry it's okay I can pay for myself, but how about some Panda Express?"

"Alright, but I'm buying you dinner." I insisted.

"Alright then."

We head over to the food court and we talk for about 30 minutes, well Mery does most of the talking. She mostly talks about her and Zayn. It's nice to know that she's happily in love with him.

"So enough about me, what's new with you?" She asks as she takes a bit of her orange chicken.

"Well I got the lead role in the play." I say.

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