Chapter 5

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"Thanks for inviting me I had lots of fun, we should do this again." He smiled and I could see his cute little dimples.

"Uhhh...Yes, yes we should." I replied with a big grin on my face.

"See you tomorrow." Harry said as he closed the door.

Osmara no don't do it, "Harry wait!" I opened the door and ran after Harry as he was about to open the car door.

"Yeah?" He turned and walked my way.

"I-umm... I'm very confused right now?" I didn't know what I wanted to tell him. I just didn't want him to leave.

"Me too." Harry giggled.

"I'm sorry. It's just that at dinner I had this very weird daydream and I can't get it out of my head and I just need to know." I walked closer to him.

"Know what?"

"I don't know. I just need to know." I leaned closer to Harry and cupped his face as I pressed my lips into his. We didn't make-out we just kissed. It was simply perfect. His lips are the softest things I have ever laid my lips on.

I woke up finding my self kissing my fluffy pillow and to the annoying buzzing noise of my alarm.

"You have to me kidding me right know! Not again." I muttered. Why do I keep dreaming about Harry? I don't even like him like that! He is just a guy that I used to know, barely a friend.

I rolled out of bed and I made my way to the bathroom half asleep. I washed my face then brushed my teeth. I stumbled back into my room, I felt like I had a hungover. I should drink something and maybe it will help me forget about my little dreams that I keep having. After that, I don't know if I'm going to be able too see Harry the same way. It's going to be so awkward.

"Oh shit!" I yelled as I looked at the clock. I brushed my hair and got dressed. I was running late and didn't have time to do my makeup so, I grabbed my makeup bag and my purse and ran down stairs.

"Osmara, Liam is here." My mom yelled. "Would it kill him to ring the door bell instead of honking?"

I ran up to my mom and she kissed me in my forehead," I don't know mom why didn't you ask him."

"Yeah, right." She laughed.

I waved goodbye to my mom and went outside. "Hurry up babe, I don't like to wait." Liam honked at me.

"Im coming." I just rolled my eyes and got in his car.

Liam leaned in and kissed me. I didn't kiss him back because I still couldn't get Harry's image of him grabbing me and slamming me onto my desk as we made out, out of my head. "Why didn't you kiss me back?" Liam asked.

"Um, you took me by surprise." I lied.

He just ignored it and drove off. "What's the red stuff on your forehead?" Liam pointed out.

I grabbed my makeup bag and took out my mirror just to see that my mom left some of her red lipstick on my forehead when she kissed it. "Oh, my mom kissed my forehead." I laughed as I whipped it away.

"Your mom still kisses you? What are you 6?" Liam laughed.

"Uh, no I think it's cute." I say while I put some foundation of my face.

"Be careful not to drop that shit and make a mess in my car."

I just rolled my eyes and continued putting on makeup, "I won't."

We arrived at school just as I finished my makeup. I didn't have enough room in my bag to put my makeup bag inside so I just felt it in Liam's car. Liam grabbed my waist and pulled me in so we walked next to each other. Once we reached my locker I put my back to it and Liam leaned on top of me and started to kiss me. I don't mind kissing in front of people, but when he starts to get all touchy touchy in school it just doesn't seem right.

"Liam, stop" I moaned. "Liam, seriously!

"What?" Liam pulled back.

"I don't like it when you touch me like that in front of people." I truthfully said.

"I'm just letting people know that your mine." He pecked my lips.

"Liam we're not going out." I put my hands on his chest backing him a bit.

"Didn't stop you from fucking me." He tried to lean in for another kiss.

"What did you just say." I pushed him off.

"You heard me! If we aren't going out and we've fucked what does that make you, a slut?" I flew my hand across his face and slapped him. I didn't say anything back I just slapped him and walked away. I was trying to hold back the tears but some how they found away to slip out. Liam was right. I didn't love him, but we did it. Not just once but multiple times. I think the only reason I did it with him was because I felt lonely and wanted to feel loved for a while, even though I knew he doesn't love me.


I should really stop with the dreams, but I don't want too(:

Not so good yeah, I know. Sorry for all the mistakes I was kind of on a rush when I wrote it, it's also not that long. I need more love to continue the story.

Please keep on voting and commenting, what should happen next help me please(:

10-15 votes and all update as soon as I can(:

Also please check out my other fan fic Summer Love(:

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