Chapter 11

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Sorry for all the mistakes I'll try to fix them up as soon as possible(: Oh and I went back and changed a couple things, just to let you know Harry dropped weights because he didn't want any trouble with Liam(: Sorry for the inconvenience. Enjoy!

"Liam stop." I pressed my hands on his chest. Was he trying to get us in trouble? Don't get me wrong, I like it when he kissed me, but lately it hasn't been the same. I don't feel that spark anymore. Ever since I kisses Harry, I've been so confused.

I really do like him, maybe more than just a friend, but I feel like I'm just going to end up hurting him even more. I felt like a total bitch the other day when I called him a nerd. I really don't mind the way he dresses, it's just that I don't want to be judged.

I know, I'm so fucked up, but I've never really been bullied before, and I don't think I would take it that great. Plus, he's too sweet and nice for me. I don't deserve him.

"Liam, I think I've had enough." I try to push in off gently.

"Let's ditch class," he grips my butt and winks at me.

"No, I have a test in like 5 minutes." I tell him.

"In math? Come on Osmara you and I know you aren't going to pass it." He laughs at me. I know math is my biggest struggle, but that was just unnecessary. "Come on, we haven't fucked in a while."

"And we're not going to if you keep acting like an asshole," I push him off, I get my bag, and walk away from him.

"Babe, I was just kidding," he yells. I don't look back. Instead I go inside the classroom and take a seat. I take out my notes and go over them, but I just don't get it.

The bell rings, and I put my stuff away. I look to the left, and see that Harry isn't in his seat. That's weird, Harry isn't the type of boy to be late to class or ditch.

Mr. Pyzer enters the classroom and waisted no time by passing out the tests and I begin mine.

Harry's POV

"Shit, shit, shit, shit" I muttered as I ran to open the front door of the school. I make a quick stop at the front of the office to get a tardy slip, then start running again to my math class. I wouldn't be panicking, but Mr. Pyzer is an asshole, and I know if I miss this test then he won't let me retake it.

I take a deep breath, open the door, and step in. Nobody seems to pay attention to me, because they've already started the test.

I walk up to his desk and see that Mr. Pyzer is reading a book "May I help you?" Mr. Pyzer asks without looking up at me. "Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late. Can I still take the test." He looks up at me and doesn't seem to recognize me at first. "Harry?" He puts the book down and examines me.


"You look so different." As soon as he said that everyone looked up at me.

"Yeah, I'm trying something else. Can I still take the test?" I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Yeah, you have 20 minutes." I grabbed the test and started walking over to my desk. As I walked to my desk everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, maybe it was to big of a change. I looked over at Osmara and I could tell she was having trouble with her math. She looked so concentrated that she didn't even look up when I sat down across from her.

Osmara's POV

Is it A or B? Well I have less A's circle than B's so I'll go with A.

Yes, this is what I do for multiple choice. Multiple choice was my favorite because I had a 25% chance I'll get it right, but when it came down to word problems I was fucked. I was skimming threw the test that I was almost half way done with it. I heard the teacher talking to someone but I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying I just really wanted to get this done and over with.

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