Mystery Man

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Hey Guys I'm back and I'm ready to start writing again. :)

This has been a rough time for me this past year. I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with my bestfriend for the whole time we were together. I found out when I was about to tell her I love her. But that's off now.

Now its 2016 and starting my year off fresh with a new slate. Right now I'm heading to work. I work at one of the biggest companies in New York.  I work for a guy named Mr.Johnson who is the CEO of the company.

Before I go to work, I stop at Starbucks to get my daily drink I get every morning. 

I walk in the store and am greeted by the employee I see every morning, Amber.

"Good Morning Mr.Espinosa! Would you like your usual today?" I nod. I give her a five dollar bill.  Then I step to the side and wait for my drink.

Amber gives me my caramel macchiato " Thank you Amber" I winked. She blushed and said "Your welcome Mr.Espinosa. Have a good one." As she waves me bye.  I head back out to my car and head to work.

-At Work-

I'm greeted by our secretary every morning then I head to my office. Yes I have my own office, it's so cool. I sit down, eat my breakfast fast I made this morning and drink my starbucks then I work on my work from yesterday.

That's when someone knocked on my door.

"Come In" I say. In walks I'm my boss Mr.Johnson and a stranger.

"Hello Mr.Espinosa, I wanted you to meet our soon to be client here at Johnson's Paper Company." He says while the other man looks down smiling with his hands in his pockets.

"Matthew, I would like you to meet Cameron. Cameron Dallas. Cameron meet Matthew Espinosa." We shook hands and exchanged greetings. He has beautiful brown eyes.

What am I saying? I can't say that I don't swing that way. Do I?

"Well Matt, I'll let you get back to it. Cameron let's leave Matt to his duties". Mr. Johnson says. "Nice meeting you Mr.Espinosa". Cameron smirks and leaves closing the door behind him.

That was weird.

I walked back over to my desk, sat down and thought about what just happened. I mean I can't like guys. I never swinged that way. I love girls. I love vagina.

This can't be. I need to do some work and clear my mind.

3 hours later

I looked at my clock on the my desk it read 3:30. It was time for me to check out.

I gathered my things put everything in my satchel. I walk out of my office and check out. On my way out I pass Cameron from earlier.

"Have a good evening Mr. Espinosa" He smirks. What's the deal with him and smirking. "You too Cameron" I say as I walk to the elevator.

I push the elevator button to go down to the garage. He elevator doors opened and I step on. I hit "G" for garage and stand back.

"Wait hold the doo-" I heard while the elevator was closing. I push the button to open the doors back open. I see that it's Cameron.

He's running to the elevator. He came on the elevator and pushed to "G" like I did. "Thanks for holding the door open for me" he says. I nod.

It took what seem like forever to get to the garage. The company is on the 35th floor and the garage is the last floor to get to.

Cameron was on his phone at the moment and I just happen to be looking at him. He's so beautiful with his chiseled jaw and perfect hair and eyes. Why couldn't I look like that? Bless his parents for making him.

I was interrupted from my thoughts. "So, where are heading?" I look up and say "I usually go home and make myself some dinner" I grin.

"You'll have to invite me over for dinner one day" he smirks at me. I blush. Wait I blushed? What is happening today.

"Your blushing" he says while walking over to me. "That's so cute". By him saying that he's so close to me that I'm pressed up against the wall of the elevator. He leans in and brush his lips over my neck.

"What are you doing Cameron?" I push him off me. "What do you mean? I saw the way you looked at me earlier. I know you like me Matthew. Don't hold back, just let it happen."

He walks back over to me and presses his lips to my neck.

"You have such soft skin" he mumbles in my neck. I moan. He starts to find my weak spot. Why am I going through with this. I should be pushing go off of me and telling him o don't ever do this again. But it feels so good, I need this. I need someone's touch.

"Cameron" I moan as I lightly tug on his hair. He runs his hands down my body to my stomach and starts to run circles on it. "Your such a good boy" he makes moan. "I love your moans. Moan louder for me Matthew" I moan louder. "Camer-on" my voice cracks. He rubs his hand up my shirt. He stops sucking on neck and kisses my jaw line.

I'm about to cum but the elevator dinged and came to a stop. He stops and walks over to his bag. "See you tomorrow Mr.Espinosa" he winks and leaves the elevator.

What just happen?

30 Votes & 20 comments for part 2.


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