Chapter8: Most Important

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EDIT: Everybody keeps asking for some visual fantasy material for that one scene so here you go👍⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆

Lucy POV

Time skip 4 months later

Its been 4 months and 2 weeks since Zeref and I've been stuck on this island.

The day I woke on this island with Zeref in my face, I thought I was going to die, or if I didn't, suffer the whole time I'm here.

But it was quite the opposite.

After our little moment after the hugged, Zeref and I bonded a lot more. He actually wanted to know more about me. Since Zeref told about him and Natsu, I do most of the talking, but he doesn't seem to mind at all, cuz he mostly just puts his chin in his hands nods and smiles, but its not a fake smile.

Zeref now takes me out of the area we normal stay and I get to explore. We sometimes go to find cool animals. Thanks to that seal on Zeref's neck, which I still don't know how I put it there, he seems to be quite the nature guy, animals just seem to love him.

We also find really cool fruits and vegetables. Since he does he meat , I've felt weird eating any, even if he's not around, so I haven't eaten meat for 4 months now.

Today Zeref said we're going to the beach to find dolphins, he really does love animals, cuz he got real smiley when brought up dolphins.

"We're almost to there." Zeref said to me as we walk side by side.

"Uh...okay....but hey, can we even go in the water, isn't the barrier surrounding the island?"I asked him.

"Yes, but the barrier is half a mile wider then the island, leaving half a mile of over for you to play in"he said.

"Oh OK...hey mean for us to play in," I said with a sly smile.

"Foolish..I do not play.....I simply came here for dolphins." He said with crossing his arms and pointing his head in the air.

"Okay that sentence, the way you said it and your posture didn't add up so, I'll take that as a yes." I said nudging him with my elbow.
"We're here!" He suddenly announced .

"Wow, its more beautiful then the last time,"I said breathlessly.

" is" Zeref signed.

"Let's go!" I said pulling Zeref towards the beach.

We stopped a ways off the put down our, we brought most of our stuff cuz we were planing to stay the night on the beach and head back in the morning.

I went behind some bushes and change d in to a dark blue bikini with golden lining which Virgo gave me seeing that I was on tropical island.

I came out and grabbed a pair of swimming drunk from my bag also courtesy of Virgo. I walked over to Zeref, he had his back to me, watching the ocean.

"Here, put this on." I said as I hand him the trunks over his shoulder.

"What is this?"

"Swimming trunks, now go put em on"

"I don't think so ."

" I just don-" he turned around finally seeing my swimsuit.

Taking advantage of his dazed state, I grabbed him and shoved him in to the bushes to change.

"Okay now, don't take too long, don't wanna keep the dolphins waiting."I said with an almost innocent smile, I don't know what's his problem his body can't be that bad.

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