Brian O'Connor's Little Sister

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My name is Aria O'Connor and yes my big brother is Brian O'Connor, but we are nothing alike in appearance wise, my "father" thinks I'm just a screw up in the family , Brian thinks otherwise of me he thinks I can do anything when I put my mind to it, I'm more like a Torretto than anything because of my short temper and how smart I am, I mean I have a college degree but I find no use for it. Brian thinks I'm amazing because I take no bull shit from anybody not even daddy dearest, because he was barely around, he didn't raise me and Brian our mother or sitter did.

    I never followed the rules in that house while I was growing up I watched races and once I was able to drive I was involved with street races that's where I met Dominic and Letty.

     My father thought that if I was with the police or the FBI I would follow the law but I still never did I did whatever I wanted weather he liked it or not. After I screwed up the first mission they put me on they just said don't screw up next time they never gave up on me.

    He was slowly losing hope with his "screw up of daughter" he finally realized that I never wanted to be a cop like him and Brian, he always wanted us to be high and superior like him but we didn't turn out the way he hoped.

    When I went undercover for the FBI I was assigned to the Torretto case, but I never did it, I just told the team I was a agent and that I didn't want to be they just don't know when to give up and they didn't give up on me they trusted me after awhile the Feds realized what a mistake.

     This is where my story begins follow through my life and see what happens....       

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now