Chapter 19: The Surprise

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Sorry I took so long to update but it's been busy with school work so here's this update that you wanted so badly



"Aria" he said in a warning me.

"You want to know why he came here is so I don't go back on my word, because we came to an agreement, that after the kids are born and when we are married I have to leave and he won't touch Dom or anybody her cares about, you can't tell Dom or the others because they are going to say that I can't do this, but I have to otherwise they are going to be killed" I said in one breathe.

"Aria I am being serious here" he said "I though you sa- wait you are being serious."

"That took you long enough to figure out I wasn't lying to you, is that how little you trust me? or is that the agent in you coming out?" I asked.

End of recap.

Three years later....

Hobbs and I got in a huge fight and the kids are three years old, I got to my car and just drove, then I pulled into a hotel for the night, I just laid there until it was dark, by the time it was midnight I still couldn't sleep I closed my eyes to try and sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I walked out of the hotel and got into a taxi, just leaving my car in the hotel parking lot.

"Where to miss?" the taxi driver named Eddie asked.

"Airport please" I said.

He is driving me to the airport, I already pre-bought my ticket, because I knew I was leaving, I don't want to leave, but I have to, to protect my family, everyone I care about could be at risk if I don't.

I showed my ticket to the airplane attendant, she let me on the plane, I went to my seat in coach, I am just sitting there waiting for the plane to take off.

"Everybody this is your pilot speaking we are about to take off please put your seatbelts on thank you and have a nice flight" The pilot said.

I put my seatbelt on as I was told, I felt the plane go up, after the seatbelt light went off, I took it off, and when I looked up I saw everybody I care about standing looking for my seat but I ducked down so they wouldn't see me, but I was too late they saw me and started to walk towards me.

 Luke is in front of everybody, just as he is about to reach me the plane jolted him forward and he fell into the seat beside me lucky that the sear is empty.

"Sorry, everybody should remain calm, stay seated and put your seatbelts on, we are experiencing some turbulence at the moment and we will be at your destination shortly" the pilot said.

I looked at Luke and he is about to say something and then the plane is going down then we crashed into the Atlantic ocean and we all died.

the end


Don't freak out too much, but leave your comments

don't worry I have a plan

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now