Chapter 13: Fighting and Making up.

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Chapter 13: Fighting and Making up.

                Luke and I have been fighting over everything like baby names, to cribs, and clothes just about everything about the baby I just can't take it no more.

              Everything we say just ends up in an argument, we can never agree on anything any more, my brother just finds it funny but I just find it tragic and no body is helping me with this and there is no advice on this because no one has gone through this but us.

             "Brian you have to help me, Luke is drowning in FBI work and I am drowning in baby stuff and we can't stop arguing for one second and it's killing me" I begged more like whined.

            "Alright I'll help just stop whining okay?" Brian said.

          "Yay thank you" I cheered.

        "God pregnancy has changed you, because you were never like this before" he complained.

       "Brian! that is not something you would say to a pregnant sister of yours" I said sternly.

     "God you sound like a mother already and you haven't even given birth yet" he said under his breath.

    "What was that Brian?" I asked sternly like I haven't heard him even though I did.

     "Nothing Aria just nothing" he said.

    "Good it better be" I said smiling evilly at him.

     "We better not be baby shopping because I hate that" he said.

     "I guess I have to bring that tad bit of information to Mia and tell her not to get pregnant again because you hate shopping for babies" I said testing him.

       "No I'll go and I don't hate it" he said earnestly.

      "Good let's go" I said cheerfully.

     I was trying to figure out what kind of crib to get the twins and what I'll bring them home in, lately I have been staying at Dominic's house because Luke and I aren't exactly on speaking terms yet. So Mia, Letty and I have been shopping for babies and now Brian and I are going shopping and he's giving me ideas so I can get back together with Luke.

        After walking around in the mall for baby stuff, I simply wanted to give up on shopping because I was depressed to shop.

          "Brian I want to go back to Dom's" I said sadly.

        "No we can't yet because you haven't chosen anything yet Aria" he said to quickly.

        "But I am to depressed to shop for them" I said with a pout.

       "No you have to chose something otherwise we will be here all day" he threatened.

       "Don't mess with me Brian I will win remember I am pregnant and I always win" I said just as someone said "she's right just cave already."

          "See even that person see's that I am right I will win so there is no point in arguing with me Brian" I said smugly.

           "Just chose something so we can leave Aria" he said.

        "No I want to go home" I said stubbornly.

       "We are not leaving until you chose something I told you that" he said stubbornly.

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now