Chapter 4: Carter is down now time to find Dominic Torretto

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Chapter 4: Carter is down, now time to find Dominic Torretto.

        I went and found the snipper I hide to go and shot at the guys that are riding with Brian.

        I need to save Brian and Fuentes, Roman is safe but he needs to go otherwise he's dead too. Damn Carter not trusting me.

             Look out Carter you won't know what hit you until the end of this thing.

                       "Brian don't push that button if you do you wont get to Monica out of there" I said. "Alright lil sis chill out i hope I never get to be partners with you when we have a mission together" Brian said.

                     "Whatever big brother you probably will in the future" I said.

                      "Ready Rome we got the money, now you have to push the bu-" I was cut off by the chair getting thrown out the door.

             "Damn it Roman!" I cursed at him.

            Grrrrr... He is so going to get it later. When I get my hands on him he's so gunna get it!

        I picked up my phone and called Carter. "Hey Carter we're almost there" I hung up.

        I called Bilkins and Markham.

      "It's going according to planned they are almost there well Brian is" I said "you got thrown out of the car didn't you Aria?" questioned Bilkins.

        "Sadly yes I did, but don't worry I'll get him back for that" I said evilly.

         "Think about that later Aria just stick to the plan" Markham said.

         "Yes sir" I said mockingly.

           "Aria watch it" Bilkins said.

        "Fine" I sighed

        "I am almost in place" I said seriously, I hung up on them.

          I'm in place getting ready to shot at the guys with my brother and his friend.

             Carter is calling me back. "Are you guys here yet?" He asked when I picked up.

             "Yes Carter we're there" I said once Brian was in my sight I hung up on Carter again. Boy is he mad because he just got off the phone with me.

                I phone Bilkins, but I felt the tip of a gun at the back of my head.

                 "Drop the gun Aria and come with me" someone said behind me.

                 "Okay" I said and stood up and put my phone back in my pocket without him noticing.

             "Walk" he said. "Alright" I said.

                        I continued walking just waiting for Roman to show up I knew this was going to happen I even told Markham this.

                "Hello Aria nice of you to join us" said Carter.

              "I know Carter, I just couldn't stay away could I?" I asked.

              Monica looks confused. Brian got here with Carter's money. Rome you need to hurry up and get here because Brian isn't the only one that needs to be saved anymore I need to be too.

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now