Chapter 5: Being the Host of an Outrageous Party

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              Chapter 5:Being the Host of an Outrageous Party

             I sent out invites to agents, some people from Dom's place, this is just so some of the agents can get to know other people other than agents themselves.

      I know Mia, Letty and Brian are coming but I don't know about the agents because they are unpredictable, and so is Dom but he ain't an agent though.

        My phone rang, I ran to go and answer my phone. "Hello is this Aria O'Connor?" a guy asked on the other line. "Uh yeah it is.. why are calling me?" I asked.

      "It's Dominic Toretto Aria" Dom laughed at me. "Why you calling Dom?" I asked.

     "To say that I am coming even with the agents going because they are suppose to be on vacation, I think do agents take vacations?" he asked.

     "Yes Dom they do but some don't but they won't be working tomorrow night and a few people that you know will be there so it's not all agents, plus a few of them know that criminals are coming and don't worry they won't arrest you just don't give them a reason to Dom" I said.

     "Ha ha ha Alright" he said.

         I kept getting random phone calls but it turns out I know who the people are but they just like to confuse me, I hate being confused and they all know this, but they do that anyway.

         The party is in two hours and I have nothing to wear to my own party and that is sad, I got a knock on the door and I went to answer it and all I found was a package that said wear this for tonight and welcome.

     The package didn't say who it was from, but I think it was from my friend Jake or James I don't know. So I know what I am wearing I just need to figure out what to do with my hair and makeup.

        Another knock at the door but what I was surprised to see was Mia, Letty and Michelle at the door, they all pushed me to my room and into a chair they told me to close my eyes and I did as I am told to.

     Two hours later I am ready for the party with the help of my best friends. "Thanks guys you didn't really have to do this but I am thankful that you guys showed up when you did" I said.

     During the two hours we helped each other get ready for this party. "No problem chica and gracias" Letty said.

     **Half an hour later**

       The party is in full swing and everybody is dressed up in ball gowns and men in tuxedos and everything, I didn't expect to see that but I guess that's what I get for staying close to a big hotel then.

        "Thank you all for coming everybody" I said into the microphone.

               "Happy Birthday Aria!" I heard someone yell. It's my birthday really? Oh shit I forgot my own birthday. "Uh thanks? who ever said that" I said even more confused the voice sounded familiar but very different.

       "Your welcome now come on let's party Aria no need to thank me quite yet because it isn't over yet" Brian and Dom said from behind me.

      "Geez guys you scared me" I said and hit them.

      "For an agent you are sure easy to scare" Brian said. "You would know this Brian because you lived with me for some time and you are the only one that always got hit in the family" I said smirking.

           "You hit like a girl" Dom said, "incase you haven't noticed Dom I am a girl and I do not" I said pouting.

       "Fine you don't hit like a girl but you look like one right now" Dom said kind of surprised that I can dress up.

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now