Chapter 11: Planning Ahead, And Not Telling Anybody But Letty

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Chapter 11: Planning Ahead, And Not Telling Anybody But Letty.

"I know you don't want to work with Shaw anymore Letty and I know how you can get out" I said to her before going to the hide out.

"How is it that you know what I was thinking?" Letty asked.

"Look I know a lot of things and that being one of them, plus you were thinking of how to get out of this and I want out too, but I am in over mu head because if this bullshit agent stuff" I said.

"I know your still working with them because I saw you leave that message on the roof" she said smiling.

"How did you know about that?" I asked.

"I walked in on you but I stayed quiet so you wouldn't know about me until later, plus you love Hobbs? And you care about the team that's working with him" she said, she surprised me because she was being sincere about this.

"Look I know how to get into Shaw's head, more than he knows, but I know that he's got something up his sleeve and he is going to escape when he gets caught in all of this" I said "and he's going to use Mia too escape but I am going to need to leave and your going to say I chickened out."

"Why? Your not chickening out though" she asked.

"Because I know that Shaw is going to send Vegh, and Klaus to get to Dom and Brian" I said knowingly.

"Shaw's right you are unpredictable, plus how do you know shaw's going to do that" she said.

"Because he's just that predictable, his code is precision, while Dom's is family" I said.

"How is it that you know that?" She asked.

"Because I asked him about hid code and it was kind of obvious" I said laughing.

"Look here's the plan I am going to go to Brian and Mia's house in Rio and tell them to leave, I am going to come back and work with Hobbs and them" I said "you are going ahead with Shaw's plan, but I am going to try and work with them."

"How is it are you going to do this in 48 hours?" she asked.

"Easy I am going to call Mia and Elena to tell them to get out of there before something happens to them" I said.

"Alright" she said.

"Look your going to be alright and your not going to jail because Dom is only doing this because he wants you back and home" I said.

"Oh" she said looking puzzled.

"Yeah well this is where I leave you Letty and hopefully I'll see you on the other side" I said.

She got out if the car and Klaus was waiting outside just for us to come in because Shaw doesn't trust me and he has every right too.

"See ya" Letty said.

I left the hide out and went to where I know Hobbs and them are. Hope your ready Luke because I know you aren't going to like what I am about to do.

I called Mia and Elena at the house in Rio, yes I know their number because Brian gave it to me before I left to work with Shaw.

"Hello?" A woman said in the other line.

"Mia Toretto?" I asked.

"Yes? Who is this?" She asked.

"Well I am agent Aria O'Connor and you know me but I need to ask you to leave your house right now and mot come back whatsoever because you will be in grave danger if you don't leave right now" I said.

"And how do you know this?" She asked.

"You know how Letty and I are alive right and are currently working with Owen Shaw right?" I asked.

"Well yeah..... But how does this concern me and my son?" She asked.

"Well everything because Shaw is going to use you guys as leverage to get away and it's probably going to work" I said.

"Okay I will leave right now anything else you need Aria?" She asked.

"Yeah I am gunna need you to act like you are with them even though you aren't" I said.

"Why? I wont be though" she said confused.

"Because I need to Shaw to get away for my plan to work" I said.

"Alright I'll do it" she said.

"Thanks hermana" I said.

"I didn't know you spoke spanish" she said astonished.

"There's a lot you don't know, but we both got to go bye Mia" I said and hung because I was close to the place where they were.

"I need agent Luke Hobbs" I said to the solider.

"You must be agent Aria O'Connor" the soldier said.

"Yes and now take me to Hobbs" I said impatient.

"Yes agent" he said and walked towards Hobbs.

You are probably wondering why I am calling him Hobbs, well that is because I am at work and it's not nice to mix work and pleasure together.

"Aria? What are you doing here?" Brian, Dominic, Luke, Han, Roman asked surprised.

Giselle didn't look surprised but I could be wrong, I didn't tell her of my plan I just told Letty and Mia parts of it.

"Well I am here to help you what do you think Riley?" I asked rhetorically.

She looked nervous because she knows that I know about her.

"I don't know Aria" she said.

"I know what you are Riley so don't test me" I said haughtily.

"Aria can I can talk to you in private?" Luke asked pointedly.

"Why do you want to talk to her Luke? She was supposed to be dead, but this bitch just doesn't want to die" Riley said with hatred.

"What do you mean wanted dead? Aria are you hiding something?" Brian asked.

"Brian there is a time where your not suppose to know anything and this is a time where your not so shut up" I said kind if angry with him.

"Aria! Now come with me and Riley stay here" Luke yelled.

"Alright" Riley and I said.

"Dom, Brian I am sorry about Vince, I may not remember him but I figured that he was close to you guys" I said and walked away.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Luke asked once we were alone.

"I am here to help" I stated.

"Why?" He asked.

"You know why" I said "you knew this was going to happen."

"Yeah I knew but why did you chose now to come back?" He asked.

"Because I just know your going to need my help Hobbs" I said.

"Look Aria I get you want to help but you need to be with Shaw so we can know what's going on even though you don't answer your cell" he said pointedly.

"Look I'm sorry about that but that was necessary, I didn't think that through but I know that was wrong but Letty was with me at that moment but I know what I am doing" I said trying to calm down.

"Whatever is going on I'd like to know what you are planning" he said trying to reason and get answers from me.

"Look Luke I do trust you, I am one step ahead of Shaw and we need this and you know that" I said, he sighed and nodded.

"Your right but I just want in one your plan" he said "I don't like being in the dark Aria."

"Well your just going to have to trust me on this" I said and walked back into the room.

My plan was going according to what I expected to happen. I was glad that it was going like I planned.

They moving the weapon to the secondary location just what Shaw wanted, but he doesn't know about anything that I have planned.

"You guys in place?" I asked from the passenger seat in Luke's car. Because he doesn't want me involved in this because I know Shaw will expect that, so I am here with him.

"We're in place Aria stop asking" Brian said annoyed. I just smirked because I know I am the cause of it.

"Am I annoying you O'Connor?" I asked smirking.

"Aria don't push it" Luke said beside me.

"Alright but I make no promises" I said sincerely.

"Okay they are coming like you said and are you guys almost there?" Tej asked.

"Yeah we're almost there" Dominic said.

"Ready Roman?" I asked. I already knew the answer.

"Hell yeah" he said.

"Alright get to the plan we have in place guys" I said and put the walkie talkie down and let the plan play out.

I didn't expect there to be a tank, but they are handling it very well because they are improvising like usual I guess considering they just said that.

I noticed that Giselle and Han left to go to the car behind the truck and I know they have that car in control,nso I didn't worry.

When the truck hit the wire I started to worry because they have a tank, and they started aiming the people, that wasn't part of the plan they had.

"Guys I have a tank on my ass" Roman said.

"Brian get him out of there pronto" I yelled into the walkie talkie.

"Alright, alright Rome I am coming" Brian said.

"Roman use the cable and attach it to the tank" I said.

"That's genius" Roman said.

Letty tried to get rid of the cable but I realized that the car was going to pull on the tank and she was going to go over the bridge and die possibly.

Dom was on the other side and he realized that too and started driving to where she was and followed.

Dom jumped and saved her. After that we had Shaw in our custody and his guys too.

"Aria what a wonderful surprise that you are working with them even after you said that they wouldn't know that you double crossed them" Shaw said "remember I could reach out and pull you any time I wanted?" He was talking to Dominic and Brian.

But what he doesn't know won't hurt them until later.

"Why don't you call Mia?" He asked.

"Ha I know your surprised Shaw but I double crossed you not them" I said smirking.

"Really? I know your wanting to help me" he said.

"That's where your wrong I am helping them and just so you know I am always one step ahead of you" I said smirking even more.

"Brian!" I heard Mia on the other line of Brian's phone call. I know she's safe.

Brian is freaking out for nothing but he doesn't know that and he wont until later.

"You don't loom worried Aria why is hag?" He asked.

I walked up to Shaw and whispered. "Because I know where she is and your guys don't remember Shaw I use to be a criminal so I am one step ahead of you" I walked away from him.

I don't really know where Mia is but I just know she's not with them.

"Your a shit liar Aria" Shaw yelled.

"Oh really now? Since when? But do you really think O would let you hurt Mia? Because I know for a fact that Mia isn't with them" I said and laughed.

"Really Aria because she sure sounds like she is with them" Brian said and went and punched Shaw.

Dom went and pulled Brian away from him. He was looking at me funny.

Little does he know that I saved his sister and family.

"My men have Mia on the plane Aria because I made sure of that and that phone call proved it" Shaw said confidently.

"Whatever Shaw get on with it Shaw" I said.

"You are going to let me and my men go freely with the weapon" Shaw said.

"No you are not" Sergeant said.

Hobbs pulled a gun to his head and his men pulled guns too.

He gave into our demands and Riley set them free.

"Coming babe?" Shaw asked Riley not Letty.

"Always" Riley said. Which everyone was surprised but me and Hobbs.

"We aren't letting them get away" Hobbs said.

We started tracking them but it wasn't so hard, I called Mia and asked her where she really was and she said she returned after a few days and that she was safe, I thanked her and hung up.

I told Brian that Mia was safe and she wasn't really with them and that she was pretending to be with them, to say he was pissed was an understatement. He as pretty mad that I wouldn't tell him the truth.

Luke wasn't happy either or Dom.

"What's the plan from here on out Aria?" Letty asked.

"Easy we get into the cars and we get them" I said.

Giselle was about to get in the car with Han but I told her it would be best if she didn't and she didn't disagree.

Han wasn't necessarily happy with it but he will be happy that I did.

"Han get me under the wing" I said and shot at it.

Roman and Tej followed my lead and tried to follow my example but failed sort of.

Mia turned out to be here in Germany and she was in the car with Brian.

Dominic went in with Hobbs, Mia and Brian.

Oakes drove up beside up and started fighting with me, but I just chose to shot him and his partner and get back in the car.

Brian and Mia came out in a different car and the plan was still pulling us up. Brian got up on top of car and did math just to get the thing in the lip of the plane.

Luke, and Letty jumped out of the plane we were just waiting for Dom but he never came.

I guess we have to take the plane down now without him. I guess he's fighting with Owen to get the weapon.

"Now Han aren't you glad I came because you would have lost Giselle if I didn't" I asked.

"Yeah I am because I don't want to lose her" he said and smiled at me.

"Good let's take this plane down" I said.

We took the plane down and Dom got out but I don't know how and I don't want to figure out how.

I know Shaw and his crew is dead because we killed them so they couldn't escape from us.

"So this is worth billions?" Dom asked referring to the case and handing it over to Hobbs.

"Name your price Dom" Luke said.

"1327" he said smiling.

I kind of smiled because I have a feeling that is where we all belonged even Luke and Elena.

"Luke we should go and return this to the General" I said.

"Still going to be a fed Aria?" Brian asked.

"It's where I belong Brian I may not remember what I did before but I do know I was in your position at one point but this is what I want to do" I said truthfully.

"Alright just remember Aria your still family" Dom said.

"I know but it's just I have my family" I said and looked at Hobbs and them.

"We are a family" I stated smiling.

"That we are" Brian and Mia said.

"Brian I want to meet your son Jack very soon" I said well demanded.

"Even after all the trouble you caused me with irritation and annoying the hell out of me I guess I owe you that much for keeping Mia safe" he said.

"Yay!" I said happily.

Six months later...

"Aria where is my keys?" Luke yelled from the living room.

"I thought I told you to keep your keys by the door?" I said in question.

"I forgot" he said scared. I laughed at him silently.

I knew where his keys are I am just waiting until he remembers where he put them.

"I remember they are in the fridge" he yelled.

"Took you long enough to remember" I exclaimed to him.

I just found out that I am pregnant with Luke's kid and I am going to tell him after we go to church.

Yes I managed to get him to go to church with the Toretto's and O'Connor's it wasn't that hard really.

We also go to their barbecue as well, because were a family, just not by blood.

We got to the car and drove to church and I am nervous to tell everyone my news about the baby and even more nervous what Luke will think because I am scared he'll leave me.

After church we all drove to the Toretto's house and started the barbecue, they are all free for helping us with the Shaw case so they are back in LA now with Jack, plus he loves me too.

Roman reached for food first, Brian said "since you reached to grab food first you have to say grâce."

Roman said grace and I tapped on my glass after everyone has had a bite to eat.

"Everyone I have some news to share with all of you I want to tell you that I am..." I paused "pregnant and Luke your the father."

I ran after that because I didn't want to see anyones faces because I know they will be shocked and I don't want to see their shocked and disgusted looks.

I was surprised when Brian and Dom grabbed me into a hug and the Luke hugged me after them.

"Congratulations guys I am so happy for you guys" Mia said smiling.

Hope you guys liked that and tell me what you guys think!
Did you expect that to happen?
If there is grammar or spelling mistakes please tell me and i'll fix it
Fan please

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें