My Secret

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Trigger warning rape of a minor

Wally's Pov (dream)

I wake up on a bed in the infirmary. "Uncle Barry?" I croak

"Well look who finally woke up."
I'm frozen in fear by Dads voice. I'm suddenly back in my room lying in my bed. "Now your gonna make this man happy do you understand? He payed a lot a money for you"

I suddenly feel like crying. I don't wanna remember this. "One hour" Dad says and he leaves me alone either the man. The man smiles evilly and crawls into bed with me.

He starts touching my chest and kissing my neck. "P-Please." I sob "I don't like that stop. P-Please stop touching me I
don't want it. I don't consent stop."

The man slaps me and rips off my cloths. He lined himself up and my entrance. "Wait! It's to big! it's not gonna fit. stop." The man ignores me and shoves in.

"AHHHHHH UNCLE BARRY HELP ME!!! It hurts oh god it hurts"

I jump awake and come face to face with the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. He had raven hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was really handsome.

Robins Pov

I came in early today for some reason. I walk around the mostly abandoned watchtower when I hear crying coming from the infirmary. I walk in to see a gorgeous guy about my age, thrashing in his sleep. He starts yelling but and I don't know what to do suddenly the guy jumps up and our eyes lock.

"Your hot" he whispers and I blush. Suddenly Flash zooms in and Hugs the mysterious boy.

"I'm right here Wally. Did you have a bad dream?"

Wally's Pov

"Im fine Uncle Barry." I say quietly
When do I have to go home?" I knew there was no way Uncle Barry would want to take care of me.

Uncle Barry shakes his head and says "your gonna come live with me ok?" My face lights up

"really?" I ask "can I really do that?" He would really take in someone like me?

"Of course Wally you are important to your aunt and I. "

"So can I be your

Uncle Barry laughs "we'll see. Just let me call your aunt ok?"
Uncle Barry walks out of the room leaving me and hit guy alone.

"Hi I'm Wallace but please
call me Wally"

"I-I'm Robin *sniffle*"
I see him crying so I walk over to him.

"Hey what's wrong? Don't be sad. Your to cute to cry" I bend down to his height and I feel the blood soak through my bandages.

He looks up at my bandaged chest shocked.
"Ops" I laugh nervously "It seems I've bled through my bandages. You might wanna leave if you don't wanna see anything gross"

Robin shakes his head and I shrug "it's your choice. If you wanna be
scarred for life go right on ahead" I slowly make my way over to in front of the mirror.

I unwrap my bandages and cringe at the sight. Words were carved into my skin like worthless, Stupid, and Freak. But in big letters on my chest it said Whore.

I touch it lightly and wince. I re-wrap my chest with new bandages and sit on the bed.

"You can call me Dick." Dick flashes me a smile and I blush. He's so cute.

"By the why why were you crying?"

"Oh" Dick blushed "I just saw all the pain in your eyes. Someone as good looking as you shouldn't have to feel pain like that"

 Someone as good looking as you shouldn't have to feel pain like that"

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Dick sees me blush and blushes harder.

"I think your totally good looking yourself!" I flirt badly, totally embarrassing myself.

Dick blushes hard and looks at his lap "thank you"

I don't understand why he thinks I'm good looking. I'm a hideous filthy whore. But I wouldn't dare say that aloud, fearing he would hate me.

"Do you believe in love at first sight , cause right about now I sure do. Do you maybe wanna be friends?"
Please say yes. I've never had a friend before.

Dick looked upset at the word friend and I quickly corrected myself
"Just until we know each other a little bit more. It doesn't seem right to rush into a relationship with someone I just met"

Dick smiled and said he understood. He sat on the bed next to me and hugged me, resting his forehead on mine. His eyes staring into my own.

I don't know how it happened but we ended up sleeping side by side, hugging.

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