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Wally's Pov

I woke up in a room that was faintly familiar. oh right. Im at uncle Barry and aunt Iris' house.

I got out of bed and walked into Aunt Iris and Uncle Barry's kitchen.
I start making their breakfast.

I always did it at home so it must be expected here. right? I set out two plates and filled them with their food. I didn't bother making any for myself. I didn't know if I was allowed to take their food.

I put their breakfast in the oven to keep them warm. I then began cleaning the house.

Cleaning was like a stress reliever for me. I liked seeing my hard work make something look nice.

I was almost done with the kitchen when Uncle Barry came into the room and sat at the counter.

I walked over to the oven and pulled out the plate.

"Good morning uncle Barry" I said quietly handing him his plate of food. Uncle Barry looked at me with surprise but didn't deny the food

"You made breakfast?! Thanks Wally you didn't have to do that."

I didn't understand what he meant by that. Of course I had to make the food, that was my job. I silently watched as Uncle Barry ate the food I prepared.

A little later Aunt Iris came in and sat next to Uncle Barry. I set the plate in front of her and she looked confused. "You didn't have to make breakfast Wally but thank you"

I don't understand why they keep saying that. It is my job to make the food. My stomach growled loudly and I flinched.

"sorry. I'll just finish cleaning"

Uncle Barry set down his fork and pushed his plate away.

'Oh no. Is he mad at me?! Is he going to beat me for ruining his breakfast?'

"Wally we would have never even thought about eating if we knew you hadn't ate as well" Uncle Barry said getting up from the table.

"I don't understand why you keep sayin that" I said "At home, I wasn't allowed to eat until dad ate first and give me permission to eat what was left." Uncle Barry shook his head firmly,

"That may have been the rule in 'his' house but those are not the rules here. Here you are allowed to eat whenever you are hungry, and you may eat however much you want. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head quickly hoping not to anger them. I still didn't quite understand, but rules were nothing new to me and they were simple to follow. Uncle Barry then walked around the counter and placed his plate in front of me.

"Please eat as much as you can without getting sick." I understood my assignment and started to eat the food slowly. I was about halfway through the plate when I felt full.

I set down my fork and looked up and Uncle Barry. He smiled and said,

"now that your finished you can do whatever you want to do" whatever I want?

"Do you have any books I can read?" Uncle Barry smiled again and motioned for me to follow him.

He walked down the hall and opened a door. I walked into the room and gasped in awe. The room was like a mini library.

"Its Beautiful" I run my fingers along the spines of the books.

"You can read whatever you want, whenever."

"Thank you" Uncle Barry pulled me into a hug and said

"Your so welcome kiddo."

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