New Home

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Iris's Pov

I'm at work when I get a call from Barry. "Hey babe how are you?"

The phones silent for a minute then Barry speaks. "Iris. Baby Wally's going to come live with us from now on is that ok?"

His voice sounds raw from crying. "Is everything ok honey? What's going on"

I hear Barry start crying through the phone. "Ruddy was abusing Wally. He also recreated my experiment and gained my speed. He's so small and scared all the time. I'm worried he'll never recover"

by now I had started crying too earning a few looks from my colleagues. "Ok I'll meet you at the house in five ok? I want to see him" how could Ruddy do something like this?

Wallys Pov

I was cuddling with Dick when Uncle Barry came in the room.

He looked at us and smiled. "I called Your aunt Iris and she's going home and we're going to meet her there." I nodded and detangled myself from Dick.

"I have to go Dick." Dick nodded into the pillow and waved his hand half hazardly, too tired to care. I left the room with Uncle Barry and we traveled through, what he called, the Zeta tubes to his car.

I got in and silently buckled my seatbelt. After driving for a little while Uncle Barry stops the car at a little house and he gets out.

I follow closely behind him and as we get up to the door Aunt Iris opens it. "Wally..." she trails off with a guilty look

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered. If she didn't approve of me staying here then I would have to go back to living with Dad. I need to be on my best behavior for both of them.

"Oh honey just call me Aunt Iris. Ma'am makes me feel old"

"Ok Aunt Iris"
Be an angel Wally. You can do this.

Aunt Iris gave a sad smile and opened the door all the way. Uncle Barry walked in the house, not before kissing his wife of course, and I silently followed behind him. I kept my head bowed towards the ground as a sign of respect.

"Thank you for letting me stay here in your home." I whispered. Aunt Iris lifted my head to face her and she gave me a sad smile.

" I would do anything to see you safe. I still can't believe Ruddy had the guts to hurt his own child"

I flinched at her angry tone and lowered my head.

"It's not his fault"

Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris looked at me in shock.

"I was an accident. Dad's c-condom ripped. He never wanted a kid. I Don't blame him for hating me, hell I hate me too" I looked down at my hands in disgust.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I flinched. "I'm sorry!" I cried

"I didn't mean to seem rude. I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" My hands covered my head and I cowered away from the being in front of me. I haven't even been here 5 minutes and I already fucked it up.

"Wally" Uncle Barry said causing me to look up at him. "We're not going to hurt you" I looked away, not believing him.

"Dad used to say that too" I growled.
Well there goes being an angel.
"sorry, it just came out. I didn't mean it"

I was so entranced with utter terror that I didn't feel Uncle Barry shaking me. I felt him lightly tap my face and I slowly came back.

"Shit I messed up didn't I. I always fuck up in the end. I'm sorry to have bothered you"

Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris just
Looked at each other with unidentifiable looks on their faces.

My face fell and I stood quietly. "I'll leave then. Sorry for inconveniencing you" I went to turn around when I was pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"Wally we will always want you here" it was Aunt Iris. She touched me!

If Theres is one thing I hate more in the entire world it's being touched by surprise.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled and pushed her away.

I fell to the ground and started hyperventilating.
"Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't-"

"Wally!" I heard a voice shout "You need to calm down. Your having a panic attack."

I started to calm down and I realized what I did. I shoved aunt Iris. I looked over at her and realized she was crying. Shit

Uncle Barry sighed. "Wally follow me to your room please, I'd like to speak with you alone"

I followed him in a daze. I was really gonna get it now. I just shoved his wife!

I didn't realize we reached our destination until Uncle Barry closed the door with a click.

I slowly took off my shirt and stood in front of Uncle Barry with my arms at my side looking blankly ahead.

"Sorry I hit you wife. If your gonna beat me just do it already" I braced for a hit that was bound to come.

But Uncle Barry didn't hit me. He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back soothingly.

I eventually relaxed to the sound of his super fast heartbeat. He stroked my hair which was starting to put me to sleep.

I could barely keep my eyes open when Uncle Barry gently set me in the bed and pulled the covers over my shoulders.

"I'll never ever hit you Wally. No one will ever again I promise" was the last thing I heard before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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