Chapter 29

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Camila's POV

I heard the low grumbling of conversation between Lauren and her brother from the bedroom as I fumbled around for my clothes that had been discarded in a spate of passion hours earlier.

It was near midnight when I glanced at the clock, crossing the room and throwing the blankets from the floor onto the bed, in search of something less revealing than the sheet that I was wearing. That would have been a horrible first impression when meeting her brother. Hi, I'm Camila. Sorry I'm naked but I was just fucking your sister senseless ten minutes ago.

Once we had both blissfully basked in our shared confession, Lauren finally gave in and answered Chris' incessant calling. At first the banter was entertaining. It reminded me of the way her and I talk to one another, but then her demeanor quickly changed when he shocked her momentarily speechless by saying that he was standing outside of her apartment. No more than fifty feet from where we were, lying in bed.

Once she had processed what he had said, she called his bluff but to prove that he wasn't lying, he knocked loudly against the door and I felt her body freeze in motion, as she straddled my waist, her hands absentmindedly tracing over my stomach.

There were several more questions that followed but he insisted that he explain everything face-to-face.

She agreed, quickly hanging up and throwing on her clothes that were far easier to find than mine, and answered the door. A few minutes later, she snuck back into the bedroom, asking me to get dressed and explaining that her younger brother, by five years, had randomly flown in from Southern Florida, where he attended college. I asked her why, but only having talked to him briefly, she shrugged her shoulders.

I offered to hide away there in bed, or sneak out while she distracted him but she said that wasn't necessary. "I want you to meet him," she said with a smile and asked me to come to the living room when I was no longer naked, which was a task that was taking far longer than I expected.

After a frantic search, I located my jeans that had somehow been pushed beneath the foot of the bed, and my shirt was lying between the nightstand and the mattress. I held onto them as I attempted one last once over for my bra and underwear, but with no luck so I forewent those, slipping my clothes on in place of the white sheet.

I stepped in front of the mirror in the joining bathroom, adjusting my sex-hair into a messy bun and evaluating just how nasty the marks across my skin were beneath the light. They were actually worse than I would have imagined and knowing I didn't have time to cover them with makeup, I opted for a hoodie that I found hanging in Lauren's closet.

It smelled like Vanilla and I cuddled into it as I slightly eased the bedroom door open. Their voices carried throughout the hallway and then stopped when I stood just inside the living room. Both of their attention was directed toward me and I felt uncomfortable and on display. Luckily, Lauren sensed that and quickly made the introduction. "Chris, this is-"

"Camila right?" he interrupted her smiling. It was scary how much he favored his older sister. Their eyes were the same, their voices similar, but the smile was different, but his wasn't any less welcoming. "It's nice to finally meet you," he greeted, standing up from the couch where he was sat next to Lauren and crossed the room toward me. I met him halfway.

"You too," I said and instead of shaking my hand like I expected, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his unfamiliar body. I glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of Lauren, who was turned toward us, with a wide grin. She winked as he let me go.

"I've heard a lot about you," he offered as he walked back over to the brunette; taking his original seat.

"Is that a good thing or bad?" I asked, sitting down in the chair opposite them.

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