Chapter 30

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Camila's POV

Somehow over the course of the night, Lauren had migrated to the chair with me. She was sitting with her legs thrown over mine, her head against my shoulder. I could hear her steady breathing and I curled the ends of her hair around my fingers.

Chris was stretched out on the couch opposite us, snoring lightly and being the insomniac that I am, I couldn't fall asleep.

I admired how easily both Jaureguis had drifted off. My own issues constantly plagued my thoughts, keeping me for slowing my mind long enough to succumb to sleep, and I couldn't imagine how Chris managed to do it in a matter of minutes.

We were talking about how school was going for him, and then he was out. Lauren hadn't lasted much longer. So when the conversation had come to an abrupt stop, I turned my phone on silent and texted Ally.

I explained that I was staying with Lauren and then she went on and on about this movie night fundraiser on campus that they had planned in some school club she was a apart of. She insisted that I go and I told her maybe. And then we said goodnight, and now it was near two in the morning, and aside from anticipating the call from Simon that we all had fallen asleep waiting for, I was also mulling over my own ideas of how to help Chris in case my lawyer had no good advice to offer. But much like Lauren, I had no experience in unplanned pregnancy or father's rights.

All I could think of was some way that Chris could convince Jade to disobey her parents. He seemed to really care for her, although he hadn't revealed too much about her. So maybe there was something that he could say to her, to make her realize keeping the baby wouldn't be so horrible.

But I don't know enough about her to know if she'd be willing to ignore her parents' request. I mean they are making a bold statement.

I find myself wondering how Lauren's parents would react if Chris were to tell them. I'd be the most honest glimpse of what kind of people they are, depending on how they handled the news that their twenty-year-old son was going to be a father.

I know for a fact that if I went home and told my parents that I was pregnant, they would accept it for what it was even though they and I both know that will never happen. But most parents aren't like mine and Lauren has only briefly mentioned hers.

But just from the way the siblings talked earlier, I could tell that they were concerned that they might encourage Chris to step back and allow Jade to go through with the procedure, and that thought alone was nauseating because Chris seemed as if he really wanted for her to have the baby, and his parents should want what will make him happy.

Whether they think it's the right decision or not, they should let him do whatever he thinks best because they love him.

That's why I'm willing to help.

He matters to Lauren and Lauren matters to me, therefore even if it meant calling my lawyer in the middle of the night, I'd happily agree.

I'd do anything for the brunette at this point, and helping her brother is one of those things.

I turned the volume back up on my phone and attempted to close my eyes and rest and nearly two hours after I talked to Simon, he finally called back, startling me. I was in that in-between stage of sleep and awake.

Both Chris and Lauren stirred drowsily at first but then were quickly wide-eyed, and attentive when I answered the call. My voice was gravely, and I cleared my throat several times before it was back to normal.

Simon said that he had found out some information but that it was far too complicated to explain over the phone at three in the morning. He wanted to know if Chris could come in later to his office.

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