Chapter Five

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"I was so stupid. I just laid there, staring at that thing when I could've been running. This wouldn't have happened if I would've just. . ." I trailed off, the feeling of tears stinging my eyes and if I kept talking, it turn into sobs instead of words. I let out a shaky breath as I ran a hand through Derek's hair. He was still unconscious, thanks to me and my stupid self. He was lying on his stomach, because his back was bloody and probably sore.

"Stiles, this isn't your fault," Lydia tried to assure me, but it wasn't working. I knew this was my fault. I knew that if I would've just moved out of the way, Derek wouldn't have had to jump in front of that thing. He'd still be okay. "You were in shock. You couldn't move. And it doesn't matter anyways, because Derek's going to be fine."

"She's right," Cora added, coming up behind him. "And if Derek hadn't jumped in front of you, that creature would've killed you. Derek wouldn't be able to live with himself if that happened." She pressed her hands against my shoulders and squeezed lightly. "At least Derek will heal." She sighed softly and hugged me from behind for a few seconds before stepping away. "I don't want to go, but I have to. I have to tell everyone about Elise. If something happens, or if anyone needs me, Derek has my number. I'll be back before morning, unless something bad happens. "

"Be careful," I mumbled, squeezing her hand as she passed. She nodded and then a few seconds later, she was out the door. I turned back to Derek, who's eyes were starting to flutter open. "Der?" I whispered, fingers tracing the features on his face. His eyes opened, meeting mine. "Hey," I cooed softly, carding my fingers through his hair.

Derek tried to move, but a look of pain washed over his face as he cringed and returned to laying on his stomach. "Ouch," he grumbled, bringing his hand up to wrap around mine. He squeezed it a little to hard, but I didn't mind because I knew he was hurting. "Are you-" he paused, burying his face in the pillow for a second as he yelled something. Seeing him in so much pain made the tears I had just pushed back resurface. He took a deep breath and looked at me again. "Are you okay?" he asked breathlessly.

"Why the hell are you asking me if I'm okay? I'm not the one who jumped in front of a freaking huge supernatural creature," I replied, shaking my head. "What about you? How much does it hurt?" I wasn't going to ask if it hurt, because that was a dumb question. Of course it hurt. Maybe Kara could do something about the pain though.

"A lot," Derek groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. He blew out a long breath and then reopened them. "It's hot," he muttered, pulling my hand against his cheek, which was burning up. I nodded and carefully peeled the blanket off of him, not wanting to hurt his back. Cora had already cut the fabric off his shirt off, so his bloodied skin was exposed. Cora also stitched the wounds shut, so they were starting to heal. Still, it looked terrible. "Closer," he grunted, tugging on my leg until I scooted close enough for him to lay his head in my lap.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked quietly as I played with his hair. He was picking at the hole in my jeans, from when I fell and it ripped open. It was still a little sore and red, but it wasn't bothering me. I didn't care about anything except Derek at the moment. "Are you thirsty? Hungry?" I tried, tracing my finger over the back of his neck.

"No," he answered softly. "Just want you." He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, then turned over on his his side with much difficulty. He looked almost to the point of tears, and that was what worried me, because he didn't cry often. He turned his head to look at me, reaching up to cup my cheek for a second and then letting his hand fall back to my lap. "I love you."

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