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"Legolas? Are you okay?" I watched as he so desperately control his breathing, his blue eyes absentmindedly stare into the nothingness of the festive night before us. He didn't even flinch nor turn to the sound of my voice, instead, I watched as a tear fell from his eyes. I rushed to his side, unaware of what he was seeing, of what he was feeling - and it sucks.

I gave his hand a hard squeeze, and to my relief, he returned it with a soft one, meeting my gaze.

"What did you see? What happened?" I asked.

He gulped, looking away. "I had a vision - they're calling me back home."

I knew this day would come - I was already making myself ready, making sure I won't be affected as much as I should be - I just didn't realize it will come sooner than I thought. And to think I have grown fond of him already - I realized that once again, I am left alone.

"I- I think I need a drink. Sorry." He got up and left, leaving me speechless. If there was one thing I know, it was that it was also hard for him as it was for me. I can feel his longing for this place, how much he wishes for peace and serenity and somehow, despite of all of the world's shortcomings, it seemed perfect for him. But then, who was I to stop him from going home?

Legolas turned to me suddenly, and he gave an apologetic smile, lifting up all the worries in my chest. He was then pulled into a drinking game in which I knew he'd win, basically because half of the other participants already had too much to drink, their speech slurred.

"You worry about him too much," I looked up and saw my ever glorious father, smiling, holding a cup, an eyebrow raised, cheeks a bit red.

"It's too obvious, isn't?" He nodded, taking a sip. He sat beside me, brushing my hair, leaving a peck on my temple.

"Nins, remember, he doesn't belong here. Don't get attached - you know how much it hurts to be left behind."

"Well Dad, I believe it will happen yet again sooner than we both thought."

He sighed as soon as he realized what I meant. "When is he leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I guess? Or the day after. I don't know, Dad. I don't want to talk about it."

"But honey," he argued, "I think we really do. What's your plan? I want to get involved. Do you plan on telling him about Landon, or at least say-"

"I'll tell him," I assured him, "But not now. Not when everyone's still here, not when he's still here. I don't want to see his face as soon as he knows about him."

He chuckled. "Nins, I don't think there's reception in Middle Earth. And besides, I think it's too personal to be told on the phone."

He's right, as always. But I have already thought about this longer than I should have, and I do have a plan - and it's simple enough for him to even bother about.

"I'll write him a letter - a long ass one. And he'll find out about it when he finally found his way back home."

He nodded then, looking tired. The party seems to die down a bit, with everyone almost ready to call it a night.

"You tried, Nins," my father whispered, the night carrying it away. "I know how much you tried for him to see that this could be his home, but honey, sweetheart, we are not his family, and he is not ours. He's got a family of his own, and we have what we have right now. And I'm glad, grateful even, for he once again made me feel how it is to have a son, and for you, an older brother. But it's time to let go, honey, it's time to see where he- we, truly belong."

way back home // legolasWhere stories live. Discover now