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Disclaimer: I do not own Supernoobs or any of its characters which is owned by Scott Fellows. I also do not own Krypton which is owned by DC comics. All I own are my Ocs.

Now on with the story!

(Seri's POV) 

Ugggghhhh! I hate my life. You would think being a princess of a whole planet is awesome right. WRONG!! It is nothing but a pain in the neck. My parents raised me to be a proper young lady and to not hurt a fly. They trained me in politics and how to act proper around the other nobles and the commoners and that with being a princess I won't have to lift a finger for anything. Yeah well I hate being like that and if I had my way I would be and act like a commoner. All I wanted to be was something other than the heir to the throne of Krypton and that's when I saw them. 

When I was around 12 years old Krypton was attacked by a giant beast with blood red eyes. Everyone cowered in fear and couldn't do anything about it and hoped for the best. I was in the city which got attacked on a business trip my mother forced me to go to when it happened and when I saw the beings that would change my life forever.

They came out of nowhere and were obviously alien. They fought the beast with different colored balls of pure power. It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen! When they brought the beast down they took some sort of gun and removed what I would later learn as the virus. The warriors later came to the palace and introduced themselves as the virus warriors of sector A410. My wonderful  parents  thanked them for their service to Krypton and sent them on their way. At that moment I knew I wanted to become just like them.

From that moment on I trained in the cover of the night so I could become a warrior. Over the last six years I became pretty good especially dealing with hand-to-hand combat and would have continued training if it wasn't for one thing, my parents found out!

I had to listen to my mother giving me a lecture on how princesses should not even be seen near a weapon let alone know how to use one and fight! My father said nothing because everyone knows the King of Krypton will always take his queen's side always. After that I went back to my room and cried for what seemed like hours until I knew what I had to do.

Later that night I packed my bag with spare clothes,my weapons, guitar, and my book (I write everything in it) and I dressed in all black. I cut my waist long hair to about my shoulders and used my magic to turn my eyes from their normal emerald green to electric blue and added electric blue streaks to my fire red hair. I walked over to my window and pulled up my hood. I looked at my room for the last time and jumped out the window with my crown laying on my bed. 

As I was flying out of Krypton's atmosphere in my personal spaceship all I could think about was what was to come. Goodbye Krypton! Goodbye royalty! Goodbye my perfect life and good riddance!    

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