Chapter 10: Supernoob Camp

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Hey so I'd like to say thank you to all my readers! You are amazing! Finally made it to ten chapters woo! Enjoy! Disclaimer: I don't own Supernoobs!

(Katie's POV)

I woke up this morning and instantly groaned. Today was the first day of training for the kids or as me and the guys have dubbed them, the Supernoobs or noobs. Anyway, I walked down stairs to see Mem already down there. He was cooking I think omelets for breakfast and Zen was no where to be found.

" Morning Mem." I said and I guessed he didn't hear me coming cuz he literally jumped and turned around in shock. "Glorg Kat you scared me!" I giggled and said "Sorry, I thought you heard me coming. Where's Zen?" "Oh he is dead asleep and probably not gonna wake up for about another hour." "Okay well need any help?" "Nah I already made two and I'll make Zen one when he gets up." "Okay."

We sat down and ate and about thirty minutes later Zen came down. "The noobs are meeting us for training here right?" Mem asked. "Yeah at ten. In fact they should be here any minute now." I said. "I still hate that we have to do this." Zen said. "Well get over it. We're under orders by General Blorgon and if we don't follow them he'll have our battleballs and our hides." I said. "Fine I'll deal, but I won't like it." Zen said sulking. Right at that moment the doorbell rang meaning the noobs just arrived. "Mem go get the door." I said.

(Mem's POV)

I opened the door to reveal the four kids we were going to train which I already knew would end in disaster but I wasn't going to voice my opinion like Zen did. Kat seems to have a soft spot for them and she thinks that they have potential but I don't see it. Then again if I say anything about it she can kick my ass in under ten seconds so I'm better off just trusting her instincts and keeping my trap shut.

We lead the noobs to our backyard (which was actually pretty big) so we could begin training. I already set up the practice dummies this morning so we didn't have to waste time on that and just get started.

"All right noobs, for the first day training we are just going to cover the basics of your battleballs and your basic powers." I said. "Um what are our basic powers exactly?" Tyler asked with a confused look along with the other three. "Tyler your basic power is your telepathy. Shope yours is electricity. Kevin yours is just turning into basic animals. And Roach yours is your strength. All of these we will focus mainly on today and then once you learn to master these we will move on to your more advanced powers." Kat said.

"We will start with just how to put your battleballs in. As of late the only way you've gotten them in was by pure dumb luck which will eventually run out." Zen said. The noobs looked at one another but nodded in understanding and took out their battleballs.

"Okay, to insert your battleball properly aim for the center of your chest just to the right of your heart. Now when you put in your chest you don't need to slam it because it should attach with minimum pressure." I said. The noobs looked beyond confused and were just staring at their battleballs oddly. "Hhhh like this." Kat said and slammed her battleball in her chest.

"Ooooooohhhhh." All the kids said and with ease slammed their battleballs in their chests. "Good, now we get to the hard stuff." Zen said. They all groaned but didn't complain beyond that.

After an excruciating two hours we finally got the noobs to at least get a basic understanding of their basic powers. They may be more work than we thought.

"Okay I think that's enough training for today. You can go." I said. The noobs looked between each other and then looked back at us. "What?" Zen said. "We were just wondering about you guys. I mean you know about us but we know nothing about you guys." Tyler said. "Yeah for all of us to work as a proper unit we need to know about one another in order to trust each other." Shope said.

"They have a point." I said. "No no no! I am not telling them anything about me no matter what they say. It is none of their business." Zen said crossing his arms. "Come on Zen they have to know they can trust us like we them." I said while Katie stayed quiet in thought. Zen continued to be stubborn when Kat finally spoke up and said "Okay how bout this. If you four can perform your basic power correctly then we will tell you a little about ourselves. If not then when you can finally do it then we will tell you about ourselves, deal?" "DEAL!" They all yelled.

"Looks like we're not going to have to tell them anything today." Zen whispered to me and we both snickered. "What do we have to do?" Kevin asked. "Okay Roach..." Kat said and picked up a 100 pound weight. "...when I throw this weight I want you to activate your strength and catch it." "Okay." Roach said. Katie threw the weight and to Zen and my surprise, he caught it.

"Okay Shope I want you to absorb the energy from this socket and shoot it in the sky." Shope then activated her battleball and did just as Katie said. Great two of them got lucky. Hope the other two can't.

"Kevin turn into a opossum for me." Katie said smirking. Kevin returned it and with ease changed into an opossum. Oh I know she did that one on purpose.

"And finally, Tyler I want you to read my mind and tell me exactly what I'm thinking right now." Tyler put two fingers to his temples and concentrated really hard. "You're thinking congratulations noobs you passed!" The noobs started to cheer while Kat looked back at us with a grin on her face while we rolled our eyes.

We all went inside and we told the noobs just the basic stuff like how we met and some stories from boot camp. Soon it just became an all out story telling where everyone was telling stories and we were all laughing. After a while the noobs left leaving us three to think about today.

"Well that wasn't so bad was it?" Kat said. "Yeah you were right they have potential and maybe with more training they could be great warriors." I said. "Okay I admit it Kat they're all right but I'm still not going easy on them and I still don't like this planet." Zen said.  Katie rolled her eyes and said "Whatever you say Zenny." She then laughed and walked towards the stairs saying "Night Memmy. Night Zenny." "KAT!!" We both yelled and she laughed and continued up the stairs. Maybe being on Earth won't be so bad. I know now that the kids aren't bad at all.

Sorry it took so late to update but I've been having some writers block and this chapter might not be that good. Anyway comment about this chapter and also if you have any questions for Katie Pri or me feel free to ask away (just be sure to specify who you're asking). Hope you like! Bye!😁

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