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Sorry this is not a chapter guys and I promise the next one will be up soon but I need your opinion on something.

I had this idea for a new supernoobs story that's been in my head for a while now.

It's about a 19 year old girl named Kathryn Roachmont or Ryn for short and yes she's Roach's older sister. She has green eyes, and faded rainbow dyed hair with her strawberry blonde roots showing. She also wears black nerd-like glasses and her favorite grey beanie but that's as far as I got looks wise.

She goes to NYU studying in the school of the arts and while she's on break she decides to go back to her hometown, Cornbury and see her favorite little brother.

Anyway, what I've got so far of the story line is that Roach's sister comes to town and since Roach and Ryn are really close he couldn't keep the fact that he was a battleball powered hero away from her. Keep in mind that this is pretty early in the Supernoobs series. When she meets the two aliens they instantly hate her and she them but over time they become pretty good friends and she actually helps them with the kids that she basically watched grow up and understand Earth in more color than they were.

This is a frienship/family story and really has a completely different vibe than my other stories. There won't really be any romance except maybe like Tyler and/or Kevin having a kiddy crush on Ryn. Maybe some Shovin or Shyler idk.

I'm gonna call it A Little Splash of Color and here's how the cover may or may not look like:

Yeah sorry if the description sucks but it's a work in progress and to be honest I don't even know if I'll post it but comment and tell me what you think of it! I really appreciate it!! Bye!!!😉

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Yeah sorry if the description sucks but it's a work in progress and to be honest I don't even know if I'll post it but comment and tell me what you think of it! I really appreciate it!! Bye!!!😉

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