Chapter 14: Arrow Dodge

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Okay so I got this idea from a Markiplier video which is the one above and it is absolutely hilarious!😂 Seriously check it out. I am sorry for the really late update but I just haven't gotten any ideas for this story in awhile so yeah we all go through it. Also if you have any suggestions about what you want to see happen next comment! If I like your idea I'll use it and give you a shoutout! I may use more than one so go and comment your ideas! Okay I'll stop blabbing and get on with the story. Enjoy!!! Disclaimer: I don't own Supernoobs!

(Katie's POV)

Today was just a normal day of training for the noobs. We just went through basics and started to work on some more advanced stuff.

We were nearing the end of training when the virus alert went off. "Okay noobs there's a fire virus on the loose and it turns the victims into dragons so go battleball!" I yelled. The transformed into their battlesuits and headed out to where the virus was located.

The guys and I stayed on the Galacticus and watched them on the monitor. They for the most part were doing fine so far except they couldn't seem to dodge a single fire blast. Thank Glorg their battleballs protect them from harm or they would be a nice medium rare right now.

After about another ten minutes the noobs were pinned and about to be eaten. I looked at Mem and Zen and we all shared a nod and teleported to their rescue.

When we got there, I instantly knocked the dragons off their feet while Mem and Zen grabbed the noobs. The dragons however didn't stay down for long. They started shooting fire toward the rest of the gang.

Mem and Zen were able to dodge the blast but the noobs didn't make it in time and got scorched and soon passed out. When the noobs were down again, the dragons looked towards us as we were in a fighting stance at their feet.

One of the dragons swung its massive tail at us and I managed to dodge it by doing a front roll but Mem and Zen weren't as lucky. The tail swatted them away like flies and they slammed into a wall hard, passing out moments later.

"Great!" I said rolling my eyes. "Well if you want something done right do it yourself." I used my flight and strength to easily take out the beasts and when they were down, I quickly extracted the virus. I then used magic to create a barrier around the whole gang and I flew back to the Galacticus with them in tow.

When I arrived back at the cloaked ship I sat all them down on the floor and quickly checked them over. Luckily, none of them were hurt except for a couple bumps and bruises. About ten minutes later they all woke up.

They all basically asked me what happened and I explained it to them. The noobs were pretty shocked that I could take down all those dragons by myself but Mem and Zen weren't surprised.

After I finished the story I made a very important point clear. "All of you are terrible at dodging." The noobs looked down in shame and the guys nodded and crossed their arms as if I was only talking to the noobs. "Oh I'm not just talking about the kids. You two saw that tail the same time I did and you still didn't dodge it." Now they looked down and shame.

Man they really needed to get better at dodging but how? I then started to think about how I became so good at dodging and it gave me an idea. "It's been a long day guys so just go home. Oh and since tomorrow is Saturday, training will be in our backyard at 9:30 sharp and don't be late or I'll hold you another hour for every minute you're late." The noobs all nodded and headed home.

Mem and Zen were headed out the Galacticus while I stayed behind. "Hey Kat you coming?" Zen asked. "Uh I got to run to the store and get some stuff but I'll be there in about an hour." "Okay but hurry up it's getting late." Mem said and they teleported home. I on the other hand flew to the store.

The next day...

(No POV)

The noobs and Mem and Zen walked out to the backyard to find Katie already there and setting up something. She seemed to have just finished when she turned to face them. "Uh Katie what's all this?" Zen asked.

"This is a little game I set up to teach all of you how to dodge." "So how do we play?" Tyler asked. "It's simple really. All of you will line up along the fence and I'll take this nerf bow and shoot an arrow. If you don't get hit by the arrow or dodge the arrow then you take a giant step forward and stop until I fire the next one but if the arrow hits you then you have to go back to start. The goal is for one of you to cross this line first and whoever does then gets to shoot next. Oh and Mem and Zen go Bob and Rob it'll make you a smaller target. Okay any questions?" Katie asked.

"Um are you going to be moving around?" Shope asked. "Oh! No I can't move past this other line just to make it fair." They all nodded while Mem and Zen went human. They then walked over to the fence while Katie got the bow and arrow ready.

"This'll be easy! All we have to do is use our battleballs and use our powers to help us dodge!" Kevin yelled. "Yeah no powers!!!" Katie yelled and used her magic to take all their battleballs away including her own and sat them off to the side.

"Okay you ready guys?" Katie yelled drawing the bow. "Not really but go ahead." Kevin said a little scared. Katie giggled a little bit and then started moving the bow around trying to figure out who to aim for first while the rest of the gang coward in fear. "Is this scary for you guys?" Katie asked and before they could reply she shot the arrow and all of them screamed and dodged it.

They then took a step forward and she shot again this time hitting Kevin. "Dangit!" Kevin yelled as he trudged back to start while the others took another step. "Ooooh Memmy is getting too close." Katie said evilly and aimed at him. "No no no." He said and she fired which he dodged barely. He stood up and yelled and that's when Zen crossed the line and cheered. "What?! No! I was too busy celebrating that amazing dodge!" Mem yelled while everyone laughed.

(Katie's POV)

Today was really fun. We kept on playing the game and we switched up the rules a couple of times. The noobs may have learned how to dodge today but  we also had some fun and laughs. I know I was laughing my ass off when Shope nailed Zen in the balls with an arrow. I was on the ground dying and so were the others. All in all it was fun and we definitely have to play it again.

Hey guys! So again sorry for the late update I just had major writers block for this story. But if you want to see something happen in this story just comment your idea and I'll try to make it happen! So comment your ideas and like! Bye!!😉

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