Chapter 11: What is this?!

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Hey it's Supes! Anyway this chapter is based off the episode Noob Kids on the Block which I have been waiting to do for a while now and this should clear up some things so yeah enjoy! Disclaimer: I don't own Supernoobs!

(Katie's POV)

I was asleep at the moment and having a really weird dream...


I was standing in what appeared to be the Galacticus. I looked around and then stopped as I saw myself in a mirror. I looked older maybe about ten or so years. My hair was longer and I was taller. The weird thing was that I looked like myself before I left Krypton but that doesn't make since does it?

Anyway I kept walking around aimlessly when suddenly heard a high feminine voice yell "MOMMY! MOMMY!" What the hell?! I thought and turned around only to be tackled by a small girl. She was maybe about four or five. She was wearing a olive green shirt with white shorts. She had blonde hair that went down to about her mid-back and it was held out of her face by a olive green bow.

I stood up and picked up the girl in my arms which I don't really know why but the girl said "Daddy took me to the zoo and we saw all these different Earth animals! It was really cool!" I smiled at the girl and then a very familiar voice said "Yeah we definitely had fun!" I looked up and saw a very familiar figure standing in the doorway of the Galacticus but before I could make out who it was I was woken up by a loud noise.

(Dream end)

I shot up panting and was still hearing that loud alarm then I realized what time it was and it was late in the morning. "Ah shit that's the message alarm." I said running out of my room, slamming into Mem. "You two too huh?" I said. "No time let's go!" Zen said and ran ahead followed by Mem followed by me.

We made it to the living room kind of frantic with us yelling and screaming frantically. Mem skidded to a halt causing me to slam into him again while Zen was trying to activate the communication monitor. "Dude seriously!" I yelled at Mem. He grinned sheepishly while I was shooting daggers at him but we both quickly snapped to attention when Zen finally activated the monitor revealing General Blorgon and the elders.

"Hello General. We weren't ah sleeping late." Mem said. "Memnock, Zenblock, and Katie Pri we have discovered a new breed of virus that can take over an Earthlings mind but does not change their form. This particular virus targets virus warriors and their only objective is to eliminate them. We have named this virus the elimination virus." The General kept talking while I whispered to Mem "This doesn't sound to good." "I know, I hope the noobs can handle it." "Me too also Zen is asleep." Mem looked over at Zen and quickly elbowed him awake before the General noticed.

The General finally finished talking and Mem saluted and said "We will assemble our team immediately sir." "We have made great progress with them. Everyday they look more and more true virus warriors." Zen said doing a karate kick for emphasis. "We won't let you done sir." I said. "I know you won't. General Blorgon out."

"So we have about four hours until the kids get out of school so what do you want to do." I asked Mem and Zen. "Well I'm going back to sleep. You two can whatever I don't care." Zen said as he went back upstairs.

Mem turned to me and said "So what do you want to do?" "You wanna spar?" "Yeah rather not get my ass handed to me today." I laughed and said "Yeah I wouldn't either but you know, you've never beat me so." I twirled my hair and gave him a smart ass grin and he just rolled his eyes and said "Okay Kat whatever. I'll get you one day." "Yeah Mem sure whatever you need to tell yourself. Anyway I am hungry so do you want to go out or make something here." "Eh there's not really any food here so you want to go out and bring Zen something back." "Sure but I'm buying." "We'll see about that Kat." Mem said as I went to go change.

I quickly changed into a black tanktop with a red flannel over it and army green shorts. I also put on some brown cowboy boots and tied my hair in a pony tail. I walked down stairs and Mem was already in his human form or as we call it his Bob form. Zen is Rob.

We walked down to this deli that the noobs showed us and got food. It was really good and we got Zen a sandwich too to go. I gave in and let Mem pay but I told him straight up that I was paying next time and he just laughed.

Man I never really knew how well Mem and I got along or how easy Mem is to talk to. I feel like I can tell him anything, even the fact that I'm a princess but that'll never happen.

We got back with twenty minutes to spare. Zen was already up and as soon as we got in the house he looked at us funny and said "Where were you two?" "We went into town to get something to eat." Mem said.  "Yeah and we brought you back food." "Okay, for a minute I thought you went on like a date or something." Zen said nonchalantly and took the sandwich and began to eat it. I instantly blushed and Mem did too. Mem then slugged Zen in the arm and said "Ha ha very funny." Zen just shrugged and continued to eat.

"Hey guys we should start heading over to the Galacticus. The noobs should be out of school by now." I said and they boys nodded in agreement. We then teleported there only to hear music?

We walked onto the main deck to see the kids in weird outfits dancing on the tables and chairs while weird music was playing. "What the heck are you doing?!" Zen yelled. "It's called singing and dancing and wearing cool outfits cuz tomorrow we're winning the sing and dance off." Roach said in a sing song voice. "They're really good" Mem said while dancing a little bit. "Yeah they 'ight." I said in agreement. "Alright stop it!" Zen yelled.

After they finally stopped we told them about the elimination virus and how it can be anyone and anywhere and the fact that we didn't exactly know where it was. All we knew was that a pod landed somewhere in Cornbury but we didn't know exactly where. It took awhile to reassure the noobs that we weren't infected and that they could trust us but after awhile they had to leave to get ready for their dance thingy.

When they were gone I said "Okay, I'm gonna go start doing scans for the elimination virus. I suggest you guys should do the same but I really don't care what you do." They nodded and I went off to the control room.

I have been running scans for about an hour and I still haven't found it! I probably would be further along if the guys weren't making so much noise! Wait, that's not noise it's music. "XR4ti continue to run scans for the elimination virus. I'll be back." What the hell were they doing?!

I walked into the room to see Mem and Zen up on the tables dancing and in all honesty it was pretty mesmerizing. I'll admit that I was mostly staring at Mem but I wouldn't let them know that.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" I yelled. "We're trying to see who the best Earth dancer is." Zen said. "Yeah c'mon Kat show us what you got." Mem said. "Yeah no. I'm going to go continue running scans for the virus which is what we're all supposed to be doing! Have fun though and try not to kill yourselves or each other." The shrugged and continued dancing as I walked out of the room.

Idiots, I thought. I continued to search for the virus for another half hour until I finally found its location. "Shit!" I said looking at the location and quickly ran to where Mem and Zen were only to find them collapsed on the floor asleep. They must have gotten tired.

"Guys I found the location of the virus. It's at the school!" I yelled. They instantly shot up and said "Uh oh!" "Yeah now get off your lazy asses cuz we need to go help them." They got up and we teleported to the school.

When we got there we were in what I think was a sound room. "Awesome the noobs won the dance contest!" Zen said. "And stopped the elimination virus." Mem said as I noticed the four other kids passed out in the room.

We removed the virus and looked back towards the stage only to see Roach start dancing again and then break that machine in the corner. "Oh and now they broke the cheer-o-meter so Jock wins." Their principal said handing the trophy to the stupid boy. "He really needs to stop doing that." Shope said. I laughed and then saw the guys looking at Roach and they said "Man he's good." I shook my head and rolled my eyes at them but smiled nonetheless.

So that's it! Don't forget that if you have any questions for me or Katie Pri feel free to ask just make sure to specify who you're asking. The next chapter should be up soon! Bye!😉

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