Chapter 6: Graduation

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Hey guys! Well this is going to be the last chapter before the Supernoobs make their debut! Anyway some of you were asking me about what Katie looked like and I've had this done for a while but I withheld it because the outfit that she is wearing is her battle suit (like Mem and Zen's sort of). Sorry if it's not very good I'm not the best drawer in the world. Anyway, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernoobs!

(Katie's POV)

I woke up that morning almost jumping for joy! Why you ask? Cuz I'm graduating today and getting my first assignment!!

Two days ago we all took our final tests and I was super excited when I heard that Mem, Zen, and I all passed! I even made number one in the class. Rovu was definitely pissed but he can kiss my ass.

Anyway, Sarge said that in the morning in front of our doors would be our battle suits that we would wear during graduation so I quickly got it and got it on and man I looked good!

The ceremony started in an hour but I didn't really have anything to do till then. I already finished packing up my stuff from my room and Mem and Zen were meeting their parents so I couldn't really hang with them. This kinda made me miss my parents and wish they could be here but I knew that would never happen.

I just decided to write in my book for a while and I started to write a new song. I called it On Top of the World (See video) and it basically described how I felt at that moment. By the time I finished writing the lyrics, I heard a knock on my door and Mem called  saying "Kat, c'mon it's time for the ceremony."

I got up and opened the door to reveal Mem and Zen in their battle suits and they looked pretty good. They were looking me up and down and grinning and I raised an eyebrow and said "What?" They snapped out of it and Mem said "Nothing, you just look good in that." I blushed but didn't let them notice and said "Yeah you guys look great too. It suits you two morons." I grinned and they rolled their eyes. "So you two going to go or are you gonna follow me?" I said.  And with that being said we left for the ceremony.

The graduation ceremony for virus warriors/recruiters are a little different than normal graduations. For starters they don't call us up one by one, they call us up by who we are partnered with and give our battleballs the chip that gives us no limits and full range of the battleballs power. We then get our ship and assignments. It's actually pretty intense because we have no clue whatsoever who we're partnered up with or if we even got a partner at all.

All the graduating recruits were currently standing backstage waiting to be called up. Mem, Zen, and I were standing over in the corner in complete silence, listening to the ceremony.

I guess we weren't talking because we all knew what was going to happen. Nine times out of ten we won't get partnered up and we couldn't face the fact that we were splitting up after everything we've been through.

After a while I finally broke the silence and tried to lighten the mood by saying "Man I hope they didn't partner by class ranking cuz that means I'm gonna be stuck with Rovu." They snickered a little and Zen said "Yeah my bet would be you'd kill him within a week." "Oh yeah or you'll castrate him by the end of the week." Mem said. We all started laughing and I said "I'm gonna really miss you guys." "Us too." They both said and we grouped hugged but then our names were called to come closer to the front.

We could now hear what General Blorgon was saying clearly. "Our last graduates for tonight are pretty special to me and the elders..." We all looked between each other and shrugged clearly confused. "They have been inseparable since almost the beginning of bootcamp and why breakup a great team." That's when we caught on and started to silently cheer and high five each other. "Without further ado, I present Memnock, Zenblock, and Katie Pri our only female graduate."

Everyone started to clap and cheer as we walked out on stage. General Blorgon and the elders shook our hands and put our chips in our battleballs. We then saluted them and stepped of the stage where we were handed our assignment.

Once the ceremony was over a rosy pink alien came over and bear hugged Mem followed by an older alien that looked like Mem and a light blueish alien came over and hugged Zen. I assumed was their parents. I again stood over to the side awkwardly wishing that my parents and I were like that.

I guess the guys noticed and Mem said "Hey Kat come over here." I hesitantly walked over to where they were standing and Mem flung an arm lazily around my shoulders and said "Mom, Dad this is Katie and Kat this is my mom, Rosy and my dad, Gornock." Zen then came over and said "And this is my mom Zorra. My dad couldn't make it." I shook all their hands and Rosy said "So you're the girl powerhouse that my little Memmy won't stop talking about." "Same with my Zenny. They just won't shut up about you." Zorra said.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I then turned and looked at them and they were beet red. I then said "Oh really. Memmy, Zenny I had no idea you cared that much." They blushed more and both yelled "MOOOOOOMM!!" I laughed along with Mem's father while their mothers smiled sheepishly.

I then sided hugged both of them and said "Yeah I owe a lot to these two. Without them I probably wouldn't know how to shoot a gun." "Yeah but you could still kick our butts any day of the week." Mem said. "Well mostly Mem's because you were his sparring partner." Zen said. We all laughed again and continued to talk for another hour or so until their parents had to leave and we began to walk towards the landing bay to load on our new ship.

"What's the name of the ship again Kat?" Mem asked. "Uh it's called the Galacticus and I think that one is it." The ship in question was huge and when we went in it, it was even bigger.

After we got settled in we took off and drifted through space for a while. "Okay our first assignment is sector E942 and the planet is called Earth." I said. "Anything we know about the planet and indigenous species?" Mem asked. "Well the planet is pretty primitive and the species are called humans and they seem to be similar to Kat's but without all the powers." Zen said. "Okay then, XR4ti set a course for Earth in sector E942." I said. She set the course and advised us to initiate deep space procedure which we did by entering the tubes. And when the gas hit me I fell into a deep sleep not knowing what was ahead for us.

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