Dean Winchester

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You were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. You tried to ignore it by pulling the covers over your head but it was no use. You accepted the call.

"Hello?" You asked, your voice was quiet and husky with sleep.
"Hey sweetie." Your mum replied, she sounded... off.
"What's up? How's the hunt going?"
"The demon. It got away."
"So you're on your way home?"
"I'm hurt honey. I don't think I'm going to make it."
"Where are you?!"

She told you her address and you calculated it would take half an hour for you to get there. You couldn't drive, you were only 13. You jumped out of bed and pulled on some white trainers, you didn't have time to change out of your Avengers pyjamas even if the shorts only just covered your ass.

You ran out of your house and to the address your mum had given you. An abandoned warehouse. Why is it always an abandoned warehouse? You went inside and looked around until your eyes fell upon your mum, laying at the corner of a room in a pool of blood.

"MUM!" You yelled, rushing over.
"Hey (y/n). I want you to have this." She said handing you the necklace you had never seen her take off.
"You've been wearing this for as long as I can remember. Keep it."
"Not going to do me much good from the grave darling."

"Don't talk like that. Your going to be fine." You replied, putting pressure on the wound. You realised she had been stabbed.
"I... I want you to know that I am so proud of you. You've grown up so... so beautiful. I-I'm sorry I won't get to see you become an adult. But remember how much I love you." She put her hand on your cheek.

"Mum stop saying this. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." You were crying now. Ugly sobs were racking through your body and you were shaking.
"I'm sorry." She whispered. Her hand fell from your cheek and her body went limp.

"Mum? Mum? Please wake up!"
You held her lifeless body for what felt like hours until you heard the sound of 2 guns being cocked behind you. You grabbed the 2 guns out of the holsters on your mum's jeans and spun around. Your vision was blurry from tears but you could just about make out what the people looked like.

There were two of them. One tall with shaggy, dark brown hair and the other shorter with cropped dark blonde/ light brown hair.
"Put the gun down!" The shorter one yelled.
"Why don't you." You retorted.
"No way!"
"Dude, just do it." The taller one told his partner.

"Fine. We could kick this kid's ass anyway." The two of them put their guns away and so did you.
"Whatever you say, grandpa." You shot back.
"What are you doing here?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Try us."

You recounted the story and they both looked pitiful.
"Look, not that it wasn't a pleasure meeting you and all that jazz but I have things to do." You said.
"Like killing the black eyed bitch that did this to my mum." You answer in a 'duh' tone.

"How old are you?"
"Old enough to look after myself. Which is what I'm gonna have to do now."
"Don't you have anyone to stay with? Your dad?"
"I've never met him. He doesn't even know I exist. All I know is that he's a hunter."

"Do you know his name?"
"What's it to you?"
"We could help you find him. We're hunters too."
"Dan or something."
"Last name?"
"It was some kind of gun. Began with a W. Winchester maybe? Yeah. Winchester. Definitely."

"And you're sure his first name's Dan."
"I'm certain it began with a D. Dan? Dave? Declan? Dean? Yeah that's it. Dean. Dean Winchester."

(A/N: This was also originally put on my tumblr)

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