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"This is all your fault." Your friend muttered, as you pushed open the doors to the supernatural Q&A.
"Shut up." You whisper shouted.

As you stepped inside everyone turned around.
"Great." you mumbled. "Sorry we're late." You stated, directing it to the 4 men on stage: Jensen, Jared, Mark and Misha.
"We would have been on time if it wasn't for someone..." (Y/f/n) looked pointedly at you. "Taking ages to get ready"

"Well sorry I don't wake up looking perfect like you." You said sarcastically, taking your seat.
"Anyway... where were we?" Jensen asked, not taking his eyes off of you.
You almost blushed at the intestity of his stare, looking at the floor. A fan reminded him that they were talking about pranks on set and you looked back up.

He blinked a few times as if he was in a trace, before clearing his throat and averting his gaze, starting to talk about the topic. After it ended and everyone had left you started making your way to the door when (y/f/n) stopped.
"What are you doing? Hurry up." You groaned.
"I can't find my bracelet."

"Maybe you just didn't put it on this morning."
"I had it when we came in here, definitley. Please, help me find it."

You searched for a while until you saw it.
"Found it." You called, picking it up and handing it to her. "Now let's get out of here before security show up thinking that we're stalking the cast."

"You know the show finished 15 minutes ago right?" You heard a voice say behind you, you turned around and came face to face with Jensen.
"Yeah, sorry. My friend lost her bracelet, but we've found it now. So we're just leaving."

"No rush." He smiled.
You smiled back.
"So did you enjoy the show? Well, what you saw of it." He asked. You laughed softly.
"Yeah, it was great. You guys are hilarious."

"Thank you..." He waited for you to say your name.
"Thank you (y/n)."
"No problem Jensen."

Your friend cleared her throat loudly from beside you.
"This is (y/f/n)." You said with a sigh.
"Nice to meet you." He told her.
"You too. But we should probably get going. You know things to do, people to see."
"Manners." You scolded. "Sorry about her."

"It's fine. I should probably get going too." He replied.
"Yeah, okay. See you round."
"I hope so." He said with a wink.
You swore your heart skipped a beat.

Your friend started to drag you towards the door.
"Come on we have to get to the Doctor Who Q&A." She whined.
"Alright. Alright. I'm coming."

You pushed open the door and were about to step outside when Jensen called your name.
"Here. Take this." He said, handing you a piece of paper.

There was a phone number written on it, below that it said:
'This way we will definitley see each other round.'

Inside you were freaking out but on the outside your mouth was just hanging open in shock. He walked off, going back stage before you had the chance to reply.

"Oh my god." You mutterd.
"You are totally in." (Y/f/n) said. "Now hurry up! We don't wanna be late again."

A/N: If you couldn't guess, Daneel and Jensen aren't together in this story.

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