Dean Winchester Part 2 (One Chance)

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The shorter one looked like he was about to say something but was intrruppted by the sound of the warehouse door slamming, your head whipped round to the source of the noise. As did the men's.

There, looking back at you was a woman. She had dark brown hair and black eyes. Demon.
"Well, look who it is. The Winchesters and little baby (y/l/n). I would say I'm sorry about killing your mum but... I'm not." Wait Winchesters?
'No that's not what's important right now.' You mentally scolded yourself.

"You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!" You growled, grabbing the demon killing knife from your mum's knife holder.
You lunged forward, about to plunge the knife into this bitch's stomach but she grabbed your arm and twisted it, making you drop the knife.

She spun you round and pressed your back against the front of her body before pulling a knife from her jean's belt loop and holding it to your throat. With the flick of her wrist she sent the men flying towards the wall, keeping them there with an invisible force.
"Tut tut tut, (y/n) you should know by now that you can't hurt me. You're too... weak."

"Let her go." The short one ordered.
"How about... No?"
You brought your elbow to her abdomen with just enough force for her to let you go. You kicked her legs from under her and grabbed the demon killing knife.

"You were saying?" You said with a sarcastic smile.
She stood up and flung you into the wall towards the others.
"Did you really think it would be that easy?" She tornted.
"Not really and if I'm honest I didn't want it to be, I mean where's the fun in that?"

She walked forward slowly, completely ignoring the 'Winchesters' (as she had referred to them) beside you.
"Well, what's gonna happen next will be great fun for me. You? ...Not so much." She smiled wickedly, bringing her knife into your view, the moon light shone through the window and reflected off of it making the knife shine.

The men were shouting a chorus of words mainly "leave her alone." But you weren't really listening, you were too focused on the demon who was now a mere step away from you.
"See you in hell sweetie." She said in a sing-song voice.

She was about to stab you in the chest which would have surely ended your short life when there was a bright light. She fell to the ground and so did you, you looked up to see a man in a trench coat.

"Who the hell are you?" You yelled, standing up and backing into the wall.
"I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord."
"Right and I'm the tooth fairy. What's next, are you two santa and the easter bunny?" You said, looking over to the two men.

"No, I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother... Dean." The taller man -Sam- said.
"As in Dean Winchester?"
"Yeah." Sam replied.
"What was your mum's name?" Dean asked
"(Your mum's full name)"

"I remember her. We met on a hunt, almost 14 years ago. How old did you say you were again?"
"I didn't." You answered flatly. "But if you're asking, I'm 13."
"So... I have a daughter."

"Biologically yes... But family wise? Definitely not. You broke my mum's heart. You left her... you left me."
"You said it yourself, I didn't know."
"She was going to tell you, the day you left. She planned it out, she wanted to make it perfect. Want to know why? Because she loved you. You promised her you would be there, but you never showed. You didn't even have the decency to tell her you were leaving. So nice meeting you, but I gotta go."

"For what? For you to abandon me too? No thanks."
"Please, I was young, and stupid, I didn't know a good thing when I had it. But just let me be there for you. All I'm asking you for is one chance, one chance to be your dad. One chance to make up for leaving your mother. One chance to be the man my father never was."

You scanned his face for any indication he was lying but found none, his face was full of sincerity. Sincerity, pain and... Guilt? You let out a defeated sigh.
"Fine. One chance."

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