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*two months later*

" Hey jc."  I smiled into the phone. I have been waiting to call him all day today. Since i was busy all day i had finally had a chance to lie on my bed and talk to my babe.
" Oh...hi...Ari." I could hear jc panting  heavily.
" Why are you breathing like that?" I giggled into the phone.
I heard a murmur in the backroad. It sounded like a girl.
" JC OH MY GOD!! YOU...IS THAT LIA! WHAT THE OH MY GOD." I broke down in tears into the phone.
" Look, Ariana im sorry."
" Bye jc." I hung up the phone. What the fuck. How long has he been fucking her behind my back? I stuffed my head into my pillow and cried for hours. At about 10:00 at night i heard a knock at the door.
My mom wasn't home so i had no choice but to get it. I glanced in the mirror and my eyes were red and swollen and my cheeks were puffy. I was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and Leggins and my hair was in a messy bun making it obvious i have been crying all day.
I trudged downstairs and opened the door to to see jc standing there with a single red rose in his hand.
" Go away."  I felt tears building up in my eyes.
" Here ariana." He started to hand me the flower but I slapped it out of his hands.
" Do you think a fucking rose is going to fix this? Hm?"
" I-"
" DO YOU THINK SO! JC YOU CHEATED ON ME! AND FOR HOW LONG?" I started screaming and crying tears falling down my face.
" It was only once ari."
His voice started getting shaky.
" Im sorry. I love you and i would never do it again. Every Time i looked at lia it didn't feel right because it wasn't you. Ariana i care about you."
" Well you don't care enough."
Jc broke down. He started crying.
" Dont you ever say that ariana! You are everything to me! I care about you so much! I can't live without you."
I stopped crying and got close to his face.
" Yeah?" I asked.
" Yeah."
I stepped back and managed a sarcastic laugh.
" Fuck you." I looked into his eyes.
" Well FUCK YOU TOO!" He spat back.
I pushed him against the door and kissed him hard. He was mine.
" I fucking love you." Another tear rolled down my face as i said this before kissing him again.
" I love you to." I shoved him inside the house and slammed the door.
" Jump." He scooped me from underneath and I jumped into him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck not breaking the kiss.
He walked upstairs into my bedroom and set me down on the bed while quickly removing his shirt. He gave me love bites and more kisses and i took off my sweatshirt revealing my black bra. I removed my leggings and he removed his pants and i started to get on top of him.
" Wait." Jc stopped me.
" What?!" I pushed my hair out  of  my eyes.
" I dont want to have sex." He looked at me and smiled.
" Why not?" I sure did.
" Because its not right. We need to make it special."
I groaned in annoyance.
" It is special."
Jc sat up a little more and i still sat on his lap.
" Ari the only reason why you want to is so you can make me not want to fuck lia. Im not going  to no matter how good you are. I promise."
I smiled and spread my legs down to his feet and put my head on his chest while twisting his curly hair around my finger.
" I love you jc." He put his arm around my bare back and kissed my forehead.
I love you too baby."

The bad boy ( jc caylen fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now