CH 17: Stranded

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Springy's POV
'I have to find a way out.'

I looked up at the platform. Since I was a robot I could easily see that the platform above was 11.46 feet high exactly. I looked at the trash around me. I easily pointed out a latter that was 10 feet high.

I ran over and dug it out of the trash around it. It was about to crush me! I quickly ran up the latter and jumped for it.

I grabbed the ledge and pulled myself up just as it closed.

'Well now that I'm free, what am I supposed to do? Where is that man?'

As I begun to walk to the pay station I thought.

'I wonder if the others are okay?'

Sorry for the long wait. Springy sure got himself in trouble. Maybe he should have listened...nah.
-Pikachu Out

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