The final

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Ashlyn's pov
Today is our finale made it to the final and that's by far the farthest we have ever gotten before .
Ava has been a beast scoring goal left and right when we had lost all hope coach brings her in and saves us again
She has this amazing confidents and coolness to her on the field.
"Hey Ashlyn pay attention" Ava yelled at me as she shoot at the goal
I tried saving it but I was to late it slipped past me
"Ashlyn you ok"Ava said
"Ugh those blue eyes" I think to my self
"Ashlyn" Ava called snapping her fingers in my face
"um yea sorry I wasn't paying attention"I say
"Yeah that's obvious "she said with a chuckle.
"I said are you ok you seem distracted" she said with concern in her voice
"Oh no I'm good just pumped that we are in the Freakin final"I said yelling the last part
"Come on their starting the huddle" she said and we walk over to our team
Ava's pov
It's game time and I am again on the bench
I was hoping to get to start today but I guess not Ashlyn is in goal again and Christina and Samantha is up top
We are playing a 4-4-2
The ref blows the whistle and the game is on
Chance after chance has happened for both team it's been blocked or missed .
#14 on the other team had the ball and is running at full speed down the field Becky one of our back liners is running trying to catch up to her but she doesn't make it in time the sends an amazing ball at the goal which is all most impossible for Ashlyn to get and hit the back of the net.
One half of the stadium cheers while the other stays silent
We are down by one with the number one team in the state the Warriors they have won the state cup almost every year .
I am pulled from my thought as I hear more cheering I look up and sure enough the have scored again .
The ref blows the whistle and the first half is over .
In the locker room
"What are you girls doing out their have you given up already" coach said
"Coach there the best team in the state they were gonna beat us anyway"Samantha said
There were mumbles of yes ,and that sound about right
Hearing that strikes something it me.
"Hey I said just because their the best doesn't mean that they cant lose or get beat by us. we have come to far to give up now none of you will give up until that final whistle. keep the back line tight don't let them find any weaknesses. middy's watch #14,13,and 2 the are slipping past you way to easily and it's because your not watching them .forwards put pressure on their defense don't let them pass you. And Ashlyn stop second guessing your self you haven't let in a goal this whole time because you were confident in your movements . If you are not 100% confident in that goal we can take you out of the game and I don't think you want that"i say
"We haven't lost yet we are down by 2 with 45 minutes left to play we can still win but if all of you have given up then we truly have lost"I say
"Now I don't know about you guys but I want to win this state cup" coach said
"Now who's with me "he yelled
"Yea" everyone yelled
I smiled as we walked out of the locker room.
55th minute and we are now 2-1 a goal I the 46th minute by Christina
We have earned across and Emma took it she sent a perfect cross into the box Christina our captain went up for it and so did a defender  their heads collided both went down and didn't get up
"Chris" Abigail yelled
We all watched as the training staff went over to her.
"Solo go warm up" coach said to me I did as I was told but watched as the carried Chris off in a stretcher 
"Solo your up"coach said
I nodded and  stood at the line I was sent in to the game and when I did Emma the one now wearing the captain arm ban took it off and put in on me 
"Let's win this captain" sane said to me I smiled at her and got set for the game
Goal by solo in 57th minute
Goal by solo in 69th minute
We were now leading two goal by me I was in the midfield I saw th goalie off her line and I took a chance and shoot the ball was perfect I flew threw the air it seem to go in slow motion the goalie tried blocking it but she missed it went in.
"Omg did that just happen" I say to no one in particular
"Yes it did" Emma said to me
"Now let's go win this thing "she said
The rest of the game seem to drag on when the ref finally blew the whistle saying the game was over I really didn't know what to do I mean we just won the state cup we are now the best team in the state I just can't wait to see what comes next. Where will soccer take me
Hey peps hope you enjoyed sorry for the late update will try to get another one in tonight for you guys😉

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