The call

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Ava's pov

It was early on a Saturday everyone was  still asleep
I went down stairs and decided to make breakfast for everyone once I was just starting the bacon when half the house woke up almost. Instantly
I chukled to my self once I finished I set the table and called everyone down
"Damn Ava when did you learn how to cook" Tobin said
"Oh ya know I just kinda picked it up" I say with a smirk
We all sat down and started eating
My phone started ringing I looked at it and my eyes went wide
"Who is it" Hope said
I showed her the screen and she chuckled
"Go answer it" she said
I got up and went into the living room I quickly answered it
          Phone conversation
A: hello is this Ava Solo
Me: yes this is she
A; ok well I would like to be the first to congratulate you on making a World Cup roaster
Me: OMG thank you so much I say
A: No thank you I will email you the details on a later date congrats
Me: ok thank you again
Me: bye
I hang up the phone and I am completely stunned I can't move I can't talk  when I finally take in what just happened I walk back into the  dining room and everyone looked at me
"Soooo what happened " Tobin says
"I'm going to the World Cup" I cheer
Everyone cheers and congratulates me 
I sit back down and we finished our breakfast and talked about the World Cup
Mean while at Ashlyn's house.
Ashlyn pov
I was sitting on my bed just going through my social media  when my phone started ringing
I answered it
            Phone conversation
A: hello is this Ashlyn Reed
Me:yes this is she
A: well I would like to congratulate you on making a World Cup roaster as our number one goalie
Me: omg are you serious of course you are why would you joke about this Thank you so so so much
A: I will be emailing you the details
Me: ok thank you so much
I ended to call and pretty much screamed at the top of my lungs
"Ashlyn are you ok " my mom said coming into my room
"Yes I just got the call" I said unable to contain my excitement
She looked shocked oh my gosh I'm so proud of  you"she said
"Thanks mom" I said
"Frank get up and get dressed were going out to celebrate"my mom yelled to my dad
I chukled  and went to get ready
We went out for breakfast when we got back I. Immediately called Ava
           Phone conversation
Me: Ava  I have something to tell you
Ava: I have something to tell you to but you go first
Me : I got the call I'm going to the World Cup
Ava: me too
Me: so we're both going to the World Cup
Ava: we're going to Brazil
Me: yep we did it
Ava : almost their now we just gotta bring home gold
Me: can you come over
Ava: yea be there in 10
Me:kk see you then bye love you
Ava:love you too
I hung up and waited for Ava
Ava's pov at Ashlyn's house
I knocked on the door and Mrs. Reed answered it
"Hi Ava" she greeted
"Hello Mrs. Reed" I said
"Ashlyn's  up in her room you can go on up"she said
"Thank you" I said and walked up to Ashlyn's room
"Hey babe" I said
"Hey baby girl" she said before she pulled me down on her bed and crawling on top of me
She pulled me into a passionate kiss
She breaks the kiss  and she just looks at me
"What why are you staring at me"I ask
"Because your beautiful and the strongest person I know"she said
I smiled at her and pulled her down into another kiss
Whe we finally stopped making out with each other I cuddled into her side and we watched a movie we watched the visit , and the entire twilight series after the movies it was like 6
"Do you want to stay over" Ashlyn said pecking my lips
"Yeah let me texts my mom" I say and  grab my phone
Me: hey mom can I stay over Ashlyn's tonight
H: yeah sure
Me: thanks mom your the best
H: yeah I know
Me: Lol
H: 😂bye baby girl have a good night
Me: bye ok you too love you😘
H: love you too😘
" ok all good" I say
"Good cuz now I can do this" she said
And rolled on top of me again but this time kissing my neck
I let a quite moan slip out when she found my sweet spot
"Girls dinner" her mom called
Ashlyn groaned and I lightly chuckled
We wash out hand s and went down for dinner 
We ate and talked about the World Cup and our future
"So Ava what do you plan on doing with my daughter" Ashlyn's dad said
"Dad" Ashlyn yelled
"What I want to know " he said
" it's alright Ashlyn" I said
"Well I plan on being there for her and to make her happy I plan to never leave her until I don't make her happy anymore" I said looking at Ashlyn
"You will never stop making me happy" she said 
I smile
"Do you really love her " ash's dad asks
"I really do " I say
Looking into Ashlyn's eyes
Ashlyn leaned in and kissed my cheek
I smile
We finished dinner and I helped Ashlyn and her mom with the dishes
Once we were done Ashlyn and I showered and laid down in her bed
"I'm sorry about my dad" Ashlyn said
"It's all good he's just being a dad" I say
" have I ever told you I love you" ash said
"Many times but I never get tired of hearing it" I say 
"Goodnight" ash said 
"Night"I said
And ash kissed me before we both fall asleep.
Hope you enjoyed give me feed back

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