Chapter 10

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"Kim Jaejoong! What do you have to say about the accident?"

"Is it true that your leader, Jung Yunho, left abandoning the band?"

"And what about 'TVXQ!'? Is there someone else to become the leader?"

"Are you the new leader?"




These weren't reporters... these were wild animals; wolves that were cornering their pray as it was vulnerable enough to not get away. And the funny thing was that Jae was feeling like the pray that was about to get devoured in just a few moments. He still hadn't recovered and he was feeling dizzy and weak all the time so answering questions like these ones was almost impossible. The young man was just standing still, wearing a white t-shirt with an eclipse design, black skinny jeans while his arms were wrapped with bandages and one of them was tightly secured within a splint. He had also made sure to cover his tired eyes with a pair of sunglasses, making his silence pretty clear. His friends were all around him, keeping him safe and away from the hungry mouths with those sharp teeth... Junsu and Changmin made a step forward, letting Jae in Micky's care.

"Hey! Can't you see that he doesn't want to talk?"

"Leave him and us alone. Beat it!" Junsu added and along with Max they tried to push away the reporters and clear the way to the car that would drive them back home. Not that it would be safer there. They knew that by the time they'd step inside the apartment every corner of the building would be filled with cameras and microphones pointed at the windows, begging for a piece of information that they would immediately turn into big fat news, creating a world-wide mess...

"Kim Jaejoong! Anything to state on Yunho's leave? Anything to say regarding any rumors?" Jae simply sighed lowly and lowered his head further down. Why did he feel like a convict? Why did he feel like all of this was his fault and only his own? Yunho had indeed left for unknown reasons... He didn't even visit him during his stay in the hospital. Two weeks in total! Two weeks along with the days that he was in a comma. Two weeks and all he had from him was one letter and a ring; nothing else. And he wouldn't let go of them. The letter was being held in his fist the entire time; from the moment they packed his things to the moment when he stepped out of the hospital. Just remembering those words were keeping him strong; able to stand the stupid reporters and their annoying questions and demands. Just having in mind that Yunho, his Yunho, was somewhere out there, trying to find a way to return to him, was enough for Jae's heart to remain whole...and healthy.

"Enough!" Yoochun shouted and grabbed his hyung's wrist, dragging him towards the road and to the spot where the car was parked. He bumped into so many people, he swore at so many others and simply pushed away a whole lot more. He had enough; all four of them had enough and just waiting for them to leave was not a solution. Max and Xiah were a few steps behind just to make sure that no one was following. And indeed, some of the journalists were walking away, not giving up yet but neither making another move; others were trying to hide themselves behind some colons, pretending not to be around and some, more clever, getting into their vans, making their way to the newspaper HQ that they were representing to buy themselves sometime till they drive to the boys' department. Of course, Micky, Max and Xiah knew about this and Jae was simply ignoring everything that was happening around him. He only got in the car, making himself comfortable in the backseat and tilted his head to the cold window, letting out a low sigh and closing his teary eyes. Ever since he received the ring and the proposal he couldn't stop crying. He had imagined that moment a whole lot different than that. He had imagined that Yunho would have prepared a romantic dinner or a night out, somewhere just the two of them, away from the curious eyes of this world; away from the harsh reality; away from everyone and everything... But no... This fucking fire had to happen; this fucking hospital had to keep him away from his fiancé; this letter had to be everything that he had now from him. Tears kept on running down his face. Tears streaming but no sound coming from his dry lips. Even his low breathing was sometimes worrying the other three. They would see him laying still on the bed, but his chest wouldn't make a move, his mouth would be still.... How many times had they checked if he was alive? How many times had they feared that he gave in to his sadness and depression? How many times had they—It didn't matter any ways. They were aware now that Jae's love for Yunho was the strongest pain that he was suffering now.

The young man took a deep breath and moved his head to the back as the air from the next window was caressing his face; so refreshing... so....heavenly. His lips dared to form a small smile as the wind grew stronger. Xiah was driving as fast as he could to get them home just in time before any other unexpected surprise from journalists and paparazzi.

"They are really getting on my nerves..." Junsu complained as he stopped at the traffic light and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"They can be a pain in the ass when they sense a disorder..." Micky nodded his head and Changmin released a heavy breath as his eyes fell on Jae. He was not sleeping... you could tell from his look. The sunglasses were not that dark colored and if you looked closely you could see those dark brownish orbs gazing to the evening sky and searching for something ... or someone.

"Rumors will be spread that is for sure." Max added with a troubled tone.

"We were prepared for this from the moment that he left..." Micky spoke strictly and threw his glance to the man next to him. "What do you say?"

Junsu simply shrugged and started once again driving at the empty road. "I am saying that whatever he is up to, better finish it soon. It is not the paparazzi and the journalists that I am most worried about." He didn't have to say more. Both Max and Yoochun had understood for they were sharing exactly the same feeling. Their highest concern was not the gossip and the what the magazines would talk about, but Jaejoong. He had suffered a lot and going through these events was not good for his health.

"I don't want to go home..." a faintly voice sounded and everyone turned their heads to the source of it. Jaejoong didn't bother to lay an eye on them. He simply slipped his fingertip downwards on the window and blinked once through his glasses.

"Where do you want us to go then?" Max tapped his shoulder with a small smile. The young one felt shivers down his spine as when his palm came in contact with Jae's arm it felt like he was touching a lifeless body. No movement was made; he was cold as ice; soulless... a body only breathing.

"Not... home..." he added and adjusted his body better, wrapping his arm tightly around him and allowing himself to fall asleep.

"Not home it is!" Junsu whispered half excited - half anxious and turned the car. Maybe some fresh air would energize him. Xiah gave a look at Yoochun and back at Changmin. They were all agreed.

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