Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jae ran his fingers through his silky hair and wandered around. It suddenly got so chilly and the short sleeved shirt and the black vest were too little to keep his body warm. The young singer wrapped his arms around his torso and rubbed them with each hand. He had a very weird feeling and his heart was beating so hard form fear. He never liked that much of darkness because… light helps you find your way and know what expects you from the distance but this… this pitch black…it was blocking your eye-sight but also your ability of thinking. Jae sighed and pulled out of his pocket his cellphone. For a couple of hours he was trying to reach Micky and Max but there was no signal for the call to happen. But trying again and again was what was keeping his sanity in place. At some point someone would decide to go out and search and maybe start searching from the first place he was last seen… ‘Lase seen…’ that sounded so, depressing. Jaejoong scoffed and leaned his back against something that felt like a wall; it was as stiff, cold and solid so it had to be one. He took a deep breath and slowly slid his body down to sit and rest his legs a bit. He bended his knees and brought them to his chest. His chin rested on top of them and his lips released a very deep and melancholic sigh. What was he going to do? Jae’s head was dropped and he had almost given up.
“Yun… where are you?” he whispered as if he was calling his lover and friend, expecting him to appear somewhere from the thick darkness, pull him into his strong arms and take him away, far from this scary place and the shadows. HE didn’t care about the friends and the people that were calling him all the time. He didn’t care about the secrets and the surprises and the fights. He only wanted his Yunho… his Yun… his very own Yunnie. And without even noticing it tears had begun streaming down his face. His body was trembling from both the cold and the agony. He just let his self go and gave in to the cry of his heart for it was all he could do for now. Jae was always the type of staying strong when the others would break down just to make them feel better and keep on going. However, this was a time that he had no shoulder to lean on… there was no one to remind him why he should keep his strength.. Why he should not fall down, but stand up and find a way through these difficulties. There was no one to pick him up from the ground; he was all alone and that was a reason enough for his heart to break. Jae tilted his head back against the wall and huffed as the tears kept on running down to his cheeks. No salvation—

Huh? That noise… that melody…. Jae’s eyes blinked even though they were sour from the entire crying. He reached out for his cellphone from his pocket and watched it as it was vibrating to the sound of the ringtone. ‘Micky’ it said and immediately he jumped up, wiped the tears from his face and cleared his throat.
“Yes? Micky?” he sounded surprised but revealed. “I…I was planning on coming after you to the apartment but.. I ended up locked up in the studio and—Micky? Micky! Can you hear me? Micky! ” signal was lost. Jae swore and kicked the wall letting out a loud scream of despair. That was just his luck! He grabbed his head and tried to think of something. If he could start screaming and maybe someone would hear him… someone would come to his aid. Or not. The young man clapped his hands on the side of his thighs and shook his head disappointed. He had to think… he had to think of something.

The building was huge, not with too many floors and old; more like one that got out from a horror movie… well, not that old, but this eerie atmosphere was giving him that impression, making things even worse. Some windows were lightly open and the night breeze was dancing its way inside making a horrifying, creaking noise, as if it was scratching the metallic doors and the aluminum windows. But it had its comforts and most of all—that was it! A building like that supposed to have security guards and if not inside at least outside. Hero ran without wasting any time to the front door and started banging it loudly and yelling. He didn’t give up. He was able to go on like that till his fists were bleeding and his voice was no more.

Time flew though and it seemed that hours had passed by. No response. What was happening? No one was outside? No one was to guard this place? No security? Nothing at all?! WHY?! WHY?!?!?! He yelled from the depths of his lungs and knelt down.




That was it.  Jae lied on the freezing floor and sighed deeply. He was going to be in there for the rest of the night and maybe day. His friends would be all worried and Yunho might even think that Jae ran away… that he abandoned them because of a misunderstanding. He closed his eyes and covered his upper face with his arm. But then again… someone would come tomorrow morning. He was going to be found any ways. Jaejoong took a deep breath and let it out. He was about to sleep. Yeah, sleep sounded nice. That way his mind and soul would come to ease and his fears would just vanish….He was feeling better already. Things weren’t such a tragedy after all. Even a smile dared to appear on his lips… a sweet and sure for how things were going to turn, but sad one at the same time. No matter how bright the next day seemed, the stinginess of feeling alone was sending waves of pain to his heart. And just imagining a pair of familiar arms wrapped around his trembling and shivering body was not enough. However, it was something… and he should settle with it for the time being.

And it was working! It really was! Jaejoong was feeling already warm and cozy. Just like laying next to a fire place and falling asleep. He could even smell the and listen to the flames and feel their warmth—His instinct woke him up suddenly. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. There was a dim light far to the inner corridor that led to the dressing rooms. His legs managed to get up and his arms were lifted up to be stretched and feel a bit more comfortable. But all this heat… he took off his vest and threw it on the floor. It was already ruined with dust and dirt. His steps were careful and slow, but at least the blackness was reduced by the reddish light. Finally his eyes could tell the difference between a wall and the hallway. But wait. There was a shadow.. His breath hitched and stuck his body to the wall. There was someone inside; that sound where footsteps, definitely footsteps and something was poured on the ground. If the conditions were better he would run to that someone and ask for help but..his guts were telling him not to. His guts were holding him behind from nearing. Danger.. they were yelling to him that he was walking to thin ice and soon it would crack and he’d be drowned to the cold waters. Jae was smarter than that so he kept his self hidden. Apparently the other hadn’t noticed the singer and thankfully was still unaware of his presence. The young guy swiftly hoped to the opposite side and right next to the door of the lounge. He swallowed thickly and tilted his head to the side to have a better look. Indeed there was a man and he was pouring the whole place with some kind of liquid…and it stinked. He grimaced at the stench and placed his hand upon the lowest part of his face. At least this way he wouldn’t get sick from the smell. Still, though, whatever was happening was not good. He had to stop it.

“HEY! YOU!” he stepped in front of the entrance and yelled. The man didn’t give any reply. He just turned his face at Jaejoong and dropped the can that he was holding. Hero tried to take a closer look at his appearance but the other was dressed in total black as if he didn’t want anyone to see his face or any other characteristic of him. The younger one walked further in and looked around. “What are you doing, huh? What are you up to?!” Jae questioned once more but the man rushed to his side, pushed him harshly and left closing the door, placing barriers so the young intruder to be trapped inside. Jaejoong had fallen on one of the couches and thank god he was not hurt. Without thinking he went to the door and attempted to open it but no luck. He must had had put something big and heavy, making it impossible to be opened.
 A few steps behind and he ran towards it, crashing his left side on the hard wooden material. A cry of pain slipped form his mouth and he held tightly his arm and shoulder. A soft laughter of triumph was heard and something breaking with force. That stench was different that surrounded him. It was not the liquid but… Fire… that was it. The heat, the light…even that liquid it could be gasoline… So, since everything was showered with it, the flames wouldn’t stop from coming that way…

The building was old…
The fire was embracing it wholly and only a miracle could save Jae from this hell of inferno.  

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