Chapter 12

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Silence was driving him crazy.
Silence had crept into his mind making it impossible for him to take action, to think, to even comprehend with the course of events.
For a moment, a long and torturing one, silence truly looked like his worst enemy.

"GET ME OUT!" the man slammed the metal door with his hands and groaned angrily. Once again, no one paid the slightest attention. This wasn't according to plan. This was not according to plan. Jung let out a deep sigh and paced the floor struggling to come up with a better idea. He had to. He had promised to himself that he would solve this mystery once and for all. He would catch them. Not the other way around.
There was no time. If his instinct was true, and most of the times it never lied, they were already too close in finding Jae. If that happened; If he wasn't free from this cage any time soon, then everything would be in vain; the proposal, his sudden disappearance...the hurt he had caused to his significant other. None of these would matter if they got to Jaejoong before him.
"Fuck." he whispered under his breath and brushed his brownish hair with his bruised thin fingers. Time had this unbelievably painful habit of passing slowly within these four walls. How long had he been there? Hours? Days? Weeks? He couldn't tell. He had lost track of time and that alone was enough to distract him. Which ones were his options? How would he get out of there?
It was pointless...
He would only find himself against a great wall that nothing would go through it; that's how he pictured the latest events. Another sigh escaped and his eyes kept on scanning the dark and wet place he was forced and locked into. There had to be another way; an escape route that was slipping his mind. He was close, he could tell, he was too close yet so far away...

There was no time to waste....not anymore.

"HEY!" he screamed as a noise of rapid footsteps reached his ears. But no response. At least, he hoped, that Mickey would succeed in holding Jae back from searching him for a little while...but knowing the soon to be husband of his, something like that was just impossible to do. Jae was always so stubborn and when he had something in mind he would do it no matter what others would think, or what the consequences would be. But, wasn't that the main reason why he had fallen for him? His face made its appearance in Yunho's exhausted mind. That childish smile and those piercing eyes full of playfulness and mischief. Even his pout was too cute to resist. And his endless complaining whenever he was getting ridiculously jealous...Everything, just everything about him caused a weak smile on Jung's face.
"Aish.." the boy shook his head, tears almost falling down on his face, yet he showed no signs of giving up or regretting the hardships he was going through. Yes, he could feel himself breaking down, exhausted as he was from all the constant running and hiding, but there was always that something that would keep his spirits up.
And then...darkness.




"You! Dog! Wake up. Wake and stand the fuck up!" what was going on? what day was it? Where was he? "Aren't you listening?Wake.The.Fuck.UP!" his head was throbbing and his sides had gone numb. Jung Yunho opened his eyes only to see a blurred image of someone kicking his thrown body repeatedly, but pain hadn't made its appearance just yet. "Oh? Good morning, princess." the voice turned lower and it was mocking him. The man grabbed Yun from the collar of his shirt and lift his body up, staring deep into his eyes as if he wanted to devour him entirely. For a moment the young boy was able to just steal a quick glance of the other's enormous body structure. His heart skipped in fear as he realized that this was certainly not just any regular human being. His shoulders were wider than they should, his hands fit better for a bear than for a man. His weight should have been more than 100kg and containing only fat. His chest hair were making their way out of the neck-cut of his t-shirt. As for his could hardly tell if there was any. It was short and thick, becoming one with the second chin of that two sized and oily face... Yun felt his insides making their way up in his stomach. That stench coming from the Bear's short hair. How many weeks did he have to wash himself? And with what was he washing? The smell was a combination of rotten fruits and meat and sewers water. Absolutely disgusting. He could faint from just that and it was nothing but a true miracle that he kept his consciousness. "Wakey, wakey.." he spoke like a dumb kid and threw Yunho towards the hard wall.
A loud cry of pain escaped his lips. Every bone in his body must have cracked. Yes, he was right. That man...That Bear in front of him wasn't human.
"Oh?" he pouted as he crouched next to the broken boy and tilted his head to the side. "You are not gonna break that easily?" Yunho was not able to think of an answer or to even think. Pain had electrocuted every single one of his senses; his stomach had turned into a tight rope and he could feel his self trembling. How was he supposed to get out of that hell?

"Hehehe" the Bear chuckled in a creepy, childish tone. "From what I have heard you like boys, right dog?" Yun opened his eyes wide at those words. What was that supposed to mean? How did he...JAE! He shout in his mind and in utter desperation tried to stand up on his feet.
Jae... Everything was done for his sake.
He had left to chase those bastards.
He had abandoned him and his brothers to make sure that they would be safe and that there would be someone to look after his Jaejoongie.
No, he wouldn't simply give up just because "a big and ugly bear is fucking around."
"Ugly?!" the animal with the human form repeated in great anger and inhaled deeply. Now the Bear was provoked and Jung was more than just satisfied with himself.
"And dumb as well..." he added with a grin on his face. Suddenly he was feeling stronger and more confident. Yes, he would take down that wild animal and then he would return to his journey.
"That's enough, Deok.." he was so close into freedom. He was so close into taking revenge for being delayed. He was so close until that calm voice filled the room. The Bear obeyed and knelt on the ground, in front of the figure that was stepping towards both hunter and pray. "Good boy..." a pat on the head was all the needed for the Deok the Bear to brought into calm and back away.
Yun narrowed his eyes. The light in that chamber was too low and after so many hits that he received from Deok, it was even harder for him to tell who that man was or how he looked like. The voice, however...
Oh that voice was so familiar. He had heard it before...he must have heard it before.
"Welcome", he spoke gently, not a sign of threat, yet the young singer didn't let his guard down, "son."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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