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---Anitha's POV ---

What's taking them for ever? It's just ice-cream! Watch them probably come back with a billion more toys.

You know, because I already don't have a mess to clean of the ones she already has.

Plus, I have to go to work!

I heard the door open and they walked in with some kid.

"Your daughter is stubborn!" Hussian said reading my thoughts.

"He's homeless!" Aashmia said.

I don't even know what to say.

Hussain had to explain everything to me.

"Oh. But still, you could have told her no,"I said.

"Ziddi hai!" He said.

"And who's fault is that?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yours,''he said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You can stop us sometimes,"he said.

I sighed.

"Abh us larkha kha kya?" I asked.

"I don't know,"he said.

"It's big huh?" Aashmia asked the boy joining us.

"Where are your parents?'' I asked nicely.

He pointed up.


"Really?? Oh my God. Come on, let's go upstairs,"Aashmia said. "You can meet them."

Oh my God! What do I say? I looked over at Hussain who was clueless.

"Actually, I think he.." I was saying but just didn't know how.

"I want to go home,"the boy said.

But he's homeless.

"Where exactly is your home?" I asked.

He went on and explained it to me.

"Oh," I said.

"Can you take me back? I'm sorry but I feel uncomfy here," he said.

Why can't we just take him to an adoption center or put him in foster care.

"Ok ummm," I said and realized I don't even know his name.

"My name is Rishen. You can call me by that," he said.

"Ok. We're going to take you to an even better place," I said and everyone looked at me confused.

"Okay,"he said.

A/N --》 House pic on top.

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