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---Anisha's POV ---

I had no idea what do to. My life literally came crashing down. I called an ambulance right away and they took her.

I knew I needed someone with me at that time. I was so out if it that I called Hussian. He didn't answer, and that's when I realized what I did.

I didn't bother calling Dhiya or Shehry, because they'd probably get Hussian. And right now he's the last person I wanted to see.

Can't even call Atif or Sukhmani, because they're wedding is coming up and they're probably busy with that.

Who to call?

My phone went off and looked it. A tiny, super tiny part of me was hoping it was Hussian.

"Hey, what's up?  You have not called in a while, sab teek hai?" Radha asked.

"Nahi, woh Aashmia," I said and told her everything.

"I'm coming," she said and hung up.

About fifteen minutes later she showed up.

"What happen?" She asked.

I went on and explained everything properly this time.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay," she said hugging me.

"Hussain kaha hai?" She asked.

"Unka kisi aur larki kha saath affair chal raha hai," I said.

I didn't care anymore. My daughter is in the ICU because of him.

"WHAT?!" She asked shocked.

I went on and told her everything.

"And that's why I didn't call anyone over, but now I don't care," I said. "Now we can tell everyone. "

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