Chapter 1.

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There it was. The time I had dreaded to see. 1 min. 30 sec. It was about to happen.

First, let me back up a bit.

Hi! My name is Alexis. My friends call me Lex. I am 17 years old. I just moved from California. Just a few weeks ago I moved out here to Ohio. I am just now starting to make friends and about to meet... "THE ONE."

This is about the time I met Devin. Let's start at the beginning.

So when I was born I was born with a timer built-in to my wrist, just as every body else was. This told us when we would meet our soulmate. You might be thinking cool. Now I can have a great first impression...

NO! It is terrible. You do not want to live this way.

So the way it works is you have a Years, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds spot on your wrist. When I was born it read...

17 Y. 354 D. 15 H. 35 M. 27 S. Now it only reads 1 M. 30 S.

When I had just heard were moving to Ohio I thought I would be getting further from my soulmate, not closer. About the past 12 days the most significant parts of this take place, so I'll start there.

I just started up at my new school and I was worried nobody wanted to be friends with the new girl, especially not in high school. Luckily, one day my clumsiness kicked in and ran into a locker. A girl was standing near by and came to help me. We started talking and found out we have almost nothing in common except for our clumsiness and love for British YouTubers. We both are obsessed with Dan, Phil, PJ, and Chris (danisnotonfire, amazingphil, kickthepj, and crabsticks).

Her name is Janelle. I feel like I have know her forever. She was born exactly 2 weeks before me. One lunch she introduced me to the girls she sat with at lunch. Their names are Elisabeth, Rose, Lyn, Grace, and Rosey. They are all very nice and they are all way prettier than me. The first lunch we had together we all shared what our wrist said. Mine read,

12 D. 0 H. 20 M. 39 S.

I almost had a heart attack because I hadn't realized it was so soon. I hadn't looked at it for months. Later the girls kept pushing boys towards me trying to see if it was them. None of them made the watch speed up. I think one of them actually made it go a little bit slower.

When I got home I told my mom about meeting new girls and the stuff that happened in my classes, but I didn't tell her about the wrists and the girls pushing the guys towards me.

I went to bed around midnight trying not to think about my wrist but I couldn't stop. I thought about why I wanted him to look like, what I wanted him to like, his personality, even his name. Nothing could get my mind off that though. Finally I fell asleep though.


So I found this idea on Pinterest and it really interested me so I decided to make a book. I hope you guys like it.

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