Chapter 8.

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3rd Person POV
"Everybody, this is Devin. And she's my soulmate!" Alexis said with excitement.

Each of the girls took turns introducing themselves and saying hi back.

"Well. I guess I should start off by saying that you are actually the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Rosey said with excitement in her voice. "Also I'm sure that Alexis has told you but we literally spent the past 2 weeks trying to figure out who her soulmate was gonna be and we thought it would be a guy. But this is honestly great. And Lex clearly seems happy. I mean she hasn't let go of your hand. That's gotta be a good sign, right?" She finished.

"Lex? Cute!" Devin said then sat down at the table. "I love nicknames. And I've noticed that a lot of people here go by nicknames. Including me," she finished with a little chuckle.

"Wait, Devin is a nickname? What your I guess 'real name?'" Lex asked?

"The worst name ever, Devine (Dev-EEN). Who names their kid Devine? So I just took off the 'e' and started going by Devin. My parents didn't really agree with it at first but they got used to it and finally just stopped trying to stop it. Anyways, I never stop talking so why don't one of you guys take over. I still have to get food anyways." She stated then leaned over and whispered something to Alexis.

"Will you go with me? I've never gone through the lunch line before." Alexis agreed and then got up to show Devin through the line.

"So where did you come here from?" Alexis asked.

"Well my parents are both in the military so I've moved quite a bit. This is the 6th place that I've lived. I was born in Maryland, then moved to Massachusetts, next Texas, then we went all the way to Germany, then came back to America and lived in California, and finally we moved here."

"My parents are both in the military as well. I've moved a few times but not as much as you have. I was born in England then when I was about 9 months old, my mom said, we moved out to Utah for almost 8 years, then we moved to California and I lived there for about 9 years. Then we moved out here to Ohio less than a month ago." Alexis shared while Devin got her lunch. "So on another note, when's your birthday?"

"My 18th birthday is in about a month and a half. February 28th. What about you?"

"Mine's in a few days. I'm turning 18 on the 26th."

They went to sit at the table and they caught up on as much as they could and Devin really seemed to like Alexis' friends. They all got along nicely.
Later at Alexis' house

"MOM!! You will never guess who my soulmate is!" Alexis was super excited to introduce Devin to her mom. "Their name is Devin and I wish that I had known them for my entire life."

"That's awesome sweetie. I can't wait to meet him did you bring him here?"

"Yes. Except there's a little bit of a surprise that not even I would have seen coming." Alexis said. "Mom, this is Devin!" Alexis said as Devin turned the corner.

"Oh my gosh! Hi I'm Stacy, Lex's mom. You are beautiful!" Alexis' mom said reaching for a hug.  "Please, make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink? I made cookies earlier!"

"I'm good, but thanks for offering. And thank you for calling me beautiful. I'm sorry but we should probably go. I told my parents that I would go home right after school to introduce them to my soulmate. I don't want them to be too mad at me. We definitely need to be able to talk longer soon. Can I come over for dinner tomorrow? Sorry for inviting myself but it's the only night this week I'm available."

"That's fine. Tomorrow works fine. You girls go. I wouldn't want you getting in trouble."

"Thanks you. And maybe I can meet Mr. Dillon when I come over for dinner." As Devin said this Stacy's face drained of all color she gave Alexis a face that had "you didn't tell her yet?" written all over it.

Devin could see that and asked "did I say something wrong?"

"My dad died when I was 7. It's just me and my mom now. It's ok though. Don't say sorry I never told you so you have nothing to be sorry for. Anyways, we would get to your house. Don't want you to get in trouble." Alexis said and quickly rushed Devin out of the house. Devin drive them to her house and in 5 minutes they were at her house.
Devin's POV

"Dads! I'm home!" I yelled. "They are going to bury you in questions, so just be prepared."

"Dads?" Lex whispered to me. I guess I forgot to tell her. Whoops. They came down the stairs and I could practically see all of their teeth they were smiling so much once they saw Lex.

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