Chapter 5.

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I woke up to the sound of thunder. We looked out the window but it seemed pretty nice out side... for about 10 S. The sky all of a sudden turned gray. It seemed to eating up the sky. There was no blue left for miles. The rain was coming down so hard we couldn't even see out the window. We just sat around on our phones for a little while.

After that we went downstairs and my mom was making us pancakes. They were amazing. We then watched Teen Titans Go. We spent about 3 hours watching TV. After that I looked at my wrist.

5 D. 1 H. 13 M. 42 S.

I showed it to Rosey and she gasped. After a few moments Tony called. He asked if we were coming back to Rosey's house. We said yes and headed over right away. When we got there people jumped out of everywhere and yelled...


We both screamed at the same time and I fell over. When I got back up. I saw Tony coming up to hug Rosey.

"AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW," the entire room said at once.

Tony left one arm around Rosey and said,

"We have an announcement!" he said putting his hand on Rosey's stomach. The entire place gasped. Rosey looked at him and said,


"Jeez! I was joking!" He said. "We actually do have something to tell you though. We have been hiding this for 18 years now and I feel like you should all know this..."

"Stop! I can't do this. Not now. Just give me 2 minutes! Alexis! Come here!"

She dragged me to her room and told me what Tony was going to say when we got back to the living room.

Sorry for The short chapter!
CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a VERY long time. I actually FORGOT about Wattpad for a little while.

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