Chapter 2.

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When I woke up I wrote my dream down in my dream journal that I used since I was about 7. The dream was...

I was sitting in the cafeteria in a really nice outfit when Lyn, the girl sitting across from me, gasped. There was a group of boys walking by. I read my wrist, 7 S. I almost fainted . "7 seconds" I said to the girls. I turned around and salad got all over my shirt. My wrist said 0 S. There was a boy on the ground that had tripped and his lunch was now on me. When a helped him up I saw that he looked really embarrassed. He was actually kind of cute. He looked at me and handed me a napkin. I saw his watch turn to 0 S. and knew that this was him, the moment I had waited for was a tray being dumped on me.

Then I woke up, wrote it down, and got ready for school. I wore a yellow and black plaid shirt, some black skinny jeans, and some black shoes. For breakfast I ate pancakes and bacon. My mom came down the stairs just as I finished my breakfast. We talked for a little bit then I went out to the bus stop. I got on my phone and went to YouTube. I almost missed the bus when I was in the middle of Dan and Phil play undertale.

When I got to school I my up with Rosey and Elisabeth. The looked as if they were dying to tell me something.

"What? You guys look like you are about to die"
"We found him. We found the kid with the same time as You!" Rosey said.
"Its about 3 seconds off but that's probably the one!" Elisabeth said.

Just as she said that the bell for first period rang. We ran to class and barely made it before the second bell rang.

At lunch we talked more about our times. Their times were all way different from mine. They had stuff like...

1 Y. 37 D. 1 H. 17 M. 12 S.
3 M. 27 D. 17 H. 32 M. 19 S.
2 M. 8 D. 2 H. 7 M. 52 S.
9 M. 7 D. 12 H. 27 S.
and 11 M. 17 D. 2 H. 36 M. 58 S.

The only one we could focus on was mine though. Now it read...

11 D. 7 M. 29 S.



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