Chapter 6.

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She sat me down on her bed and started pacing around the room.

"I've only ever told 3 people, so, here goes! We're twins!" she said very quickly.


She told me all about how she didn't like to tell people because he is really smart. He works a year ahead while she doesn't. She says she is embarrassed telling people, so she never does. This also made me relise, today is Janelle's birthday too.

I went home about an hour after the party. I helped pick up. Rosey still looked in shock at how well everyone took the news. When I got home I called Janelle and wished her a happy birthday. I told her about how my birthday is in two weeks exact and how I still have no idea what's do.

I am turning 18 for goodness sake! I should have been planning for about, well, 18 years! I check the time and it turns out we had been on the phone for about 3 hours. After I hung up with Janelle I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I didn't fall asleep until about 1:00 AM. Then I woke up at about 3:30 AM.

I was up thinking about my birthday. I planned everything out. Who would and wouldn't come. The cake. The entertainment. I didn't fall back asleep until 6:29 AM. I woke up again at 9:37 AM.

After I woke up I went to the kitchen. I saw my mom there and told her all about last night. Everything I did and did not want.

I looked at my wrist,

2D. 2H. 30M. 27S.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed and raced out the door. I texted my mom on my way to Rosey's house. When I got there she opened the door and I shoved my wrist in her face. She looked ask she sees about to faint. I saw Tony walking in th hall and I raced in and shoved my wrist in his face.

"Look at this," I said. "Do you know how bad this is?"

I walked away before he could answer. I went back over to Rosey, I grabbed her car keys, and dragged her out the door. I told her we were going to the mall. She agreed politely and got in the car.

When we hot there we went to Sephora, Gap, Bath and Body Works, and about every other store in the mall. We got Chipotlé from the food court. We only ended up buying a pair of pants, 3 shirts, an infinity scarf, & a pair of shoes. We sat at the bench at the door for a while just talking about what I should wear and how I should do my hair an makeup for Friday.

I couldn't sleep again that night. This time I had the dream again. I thought.

I was in the lunchroom. But instead of walking around, insensitive and sat at my table with my friends. I relised I forgot silverware so I got up and as I turned around I ran into him. I thought. But when I looked at my wrist I still had 3 minutes left.

Thanks for reading!

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