Chapter 4.

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I had the same dream every night at Rosey's.

I was in the cafeteria, turned around, lunch on shirt, cute boy, 0 S, but this time, there was more. We went to the math room and he showed me his house from the window. Later after school we went to his house to study. Then the math teacher came in and started yelling at us and we got detention.

After that I woke up. I thought I had missed my alarm but it was a snow day and I also didn't have school for three days last week as well. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. My hands felt sweaty, my feet were cold, and my fingers were freezing. This only happens when I am nervous about something, but I wasn't. At least, thought I wasn't.

My wrist now read

6 D. 3 H. 17 M. 59 S.

I went downstairs and saw my mom on the couch. Now let's go back to when I was 7 for a little bit now. When I was 7 and we still lived in California, my dad had gone to war for the military. When he was supposed to be at the airport he wasn't. We found out later that there had been a bomber on the plane. The bomber had a parachute an jumped out before the bomb went off. He survived but my dad didn't. I wanted to find that man and kill him but my mom wouldn't let me. We found a bunch of other families missing their moms or dads too. We all just sat on the floor and cried for a little while.

It was around 5:00ish when we got back home. We turned on the TV and found out that a buildings security camera got hit by something and turned over. It still worked and caught the whole thing on tape. From the man jumping out of the plane to the plane crashing. We just sat on the couch and cried ourselves to sleep.

Back to present time now. My mom was watching, believe it or not, cartoon network. She said it made her laugh, and she loved to be happy. She was watching a show called The Amazing World Of Gumball. This was her favorite show on cartoon network. That and Teen Titans Go. She watched those shows all the time. I grabbed a pop tart then sat down with her and watched TV. After about 3 episodes I went to my room and called Rosey. Later she came over an we hung out. Around 4:00ish we went to the mall for a few hours. We had a lot of fun but we could not stop talking about my wrist.

"Only 6 more day now. Less! I can't believe this is happening so fast. It's just too much right now. That day is probably going to be one of the best an worst days of my life."

"What do you mean by worst?"

I told her the story of my dad and I swear I saw her wipe away a few tears but she won't admit to that. When we got back to my house we went to my room and just talked about who it could be that I got married to. We made a list of the boys from math, science, social studies (which I hate because I suck at it), religion, gym, an even choir. Then we made a list of who I did and didn't want it to be.

By the time we were done with the lists it was after midnight and my mom came in an said Rosey's parents had called they said she could stay the night. After a few minutes we got kind of tired and we fell asleep.


Thanks for reading. Sorry if the part about Alexis' dad made you cry. It made me cry a little bit while writing it.


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