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Luke's pov

Ashton rushed me and Calum to the hospital. We were hanging out at my house watching movies when I got the call. When the hospital called I was a mess ; I couldn't stop crying.

They said the wreck was really bad and that Kaydan was in surgery. They hasn't told us anything about Michael yet.

Sitting in the waiting room was terrible. Me , my mom , my brothers , my dad , Ashton , Calum , and their parents , plus Michaels parents. The waiting room was full. Nobody had told us any details about the crash , only that it was really really bad.

Kaydan had been brought out of surgery , she had glass lodged in the sides of her stomach and she was now in a coma. Michael had been ejected from the car , he was in a coma also. None of us knew what to do.

Seconds , minutes , hours. Two days had gone by already , and neither had woken up yet.

Ashton's pov

Calum and I tried so hard to keep Luke under control. He would have burst of anger , where he would start throwing chairs. Or the next minute he would break down ino tears.

We were all upset. It had been two days , and nothing. It was driving us all insane , and I didn't know how long it could last.

I was trying to remain calm , but not everyone could. Calum initially broke. Running out of the hospital , I followed him , telling him that everything would be okay. But to be honest , I had no clue , whether or not anything would be okay.

Calum's pov

I waited as long as I could , but I couldn't take it. My best friend was in a coma. I broke down , running outside and I got into my car and just cried. I crued until I had none left in me.

Ashton did all he could to keep the peace and tell me everything was fine , but I didn't believe him. I knew that there would be hell to pay.

Michael's pov

Darkness. Thats all I saw. But I could hear people. I heard Luke , Ashton and Calum. They were talking about a girl , Kaydan? Why was that name so familiar?

I opened my eyes and looked around , but nobody seemed to notice. I lifted a finger , and knocked something off the bed. Im not sure what it was but it caught there attention.
They all ran to the bedside calling for a nurse.

The doctor ran through some test and said that I was fine. I remembered everything , except one person. They kept saying Kaydan , but the problem was that I had no idea would she was.

"Its my sister , Kaydan. Come on man , you have to remember her. You love her." Luke pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of a girl. She was beautiful , no doubt about it but , I still didnt know her.

They whispered a few things to the doctor. I couldbt understand what , but the doctor talked pretty loud.

"I have no idea. This has never happened before. Its weird , he remembers everything but one important part." They all sighed and looked over at me.

"I have an idea." Ashton said. They all helped me into a wheelchair and rolled me down the hall.

Inside this room was the girl. She was in a coma , just like I was.

Luke wheeled me to her , and I got a better look at her face. I immediately got a headache and these pictures started to flash in my brain. Memories , of her and I together. A trampoline , on tour , the date.

"Kaydan." I breathed.
Everyone looked at me in astonishment.

"I remember."

"You remember?" Luk yelled.
I nodded quickly. I took Kaydan's hand in mine and began to cry.

"We were fighting. I told her that she was a bitch and that I wanted it to be over. She was so stuck on you guy's problems. All I wanted was a nice date. But ut was too late , and we crashed."

They left the room and I began to cry some more.

"Kay I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything I had said to you. Nothing was true. I love you with every piece of my heart." She was my one and only , and I couldn't lose her. "Please...... Dont leave me."


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