You hurt her

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Luke held me in his arms. As soon as I had finished yelling at Michael , I rushed over to Luke. I told him everything and he just hugged me. He hasn't let me go for twenty minutes.

It was exhausting yelling at Michael like that , but what hurt the most is that when I was yelling at him , his face was blank. He felt nothing , and that's what I was afraid of happening. I don't know I guess I was hoping he would chase after me , kiss me and tell me he loves me. But that didn't happen and know I was back into reality.

Luke sat there holding me , until Ashton came in. He grabbed me out of Luke's arms and held me. I was tooken by surprise by his urgency , but I let it happen. Ash was what I really needed right now. He was like my brother , but more special than Luke.

I was still hugging Luke when my phone buzzed. It was a DM from Lisa Crocker.

"Let me see it." Ashton said.

"No. I got it." I shook my head and opened the message and read it out loud.

"Stupid girl. Why would you fall in love with someone who will never love you back? To think that you actually have another chance with MY MAN , after you ruined your chance , is pathetic. YOU'RE pathetic. He may mean the world to you , but trust me you mean nothing to him." I finished and Ashton grabbed my phone and threw it across the room.

Me and Luke looked at him with a 'what the hell' look.

"Sorry. I got a little angry. I'll buy you a new one."

"You bet your balls you're buying me a new one." We all laughed. Luke stormed out of the house , grabbing his keys and leaving.
He was in a rush , so Ashton and I didn't have the time to ask questions. We just grabbed our keys and followed him.

We ariived at Michael's house a little later. Luke was already out of his car and heading up to Michael's front door. I jumped out of the car to stop him.

"Luke stop. Luke please what are you doing?" I put a hand on his chest to stop him , but he was to strong. He pushed past me and went straight into the house , with me hot on his heels. Michael was on the couch with Lisa , laughing and cuddling. Luke pulled Michael up by his shirt , off the couch and got real close to him.
Lisa tried to get up to stop him but Ashton stood in front of her. I stood at the front door , watching all of it go down. Calum came down stairs , I gave him a look and he understood. He quickly pulled me up to the stairs and there we sat , listening and watching from the bottom of the stairs.

"That's not how you're going to treat my sister. Do you understand me? She's at home , crying because of thqt bitch ight there!" Luke yelled pointing at Lisa. Before any of us could react , Luke punched Michael straight on the jaw , making him fall to his hands and knee's. "And here you sit , cuddling up to her. You're hurting my sister." Luke continued to yell. With every word , Luke kicked Michael in the gut , making me cringe at each strike.

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up okay? You don't think I know that? I didn't want to hurt Kay , but shit happens. You yhink I wanted to hurt her when this all went down? I didn't , but she made this happen when she lied to me. I thought she had forgotten our relationship , or what it use to be. I love her , don't you guus see that?" I stood up and ran over to him. I bent down and placed my hand on his bloody cheek.

"I love you too Michael , but I can't be with you , it only caises me more pain. You're going to miss me , and when you do , you'll realize that you only have yourself to blame. And I hope that pain hurts you , just like the pain of you being with her hurt me." I stood up and walked over to Calum.

"Kay?"Michael whined. Calum stood in front of me , grabbing my hand. Almost protecting me from Michael.

"Michael." Lisa grabbed his hand. He quickly pulled away. I was officially tired of her. I stepped away from Calum and walked over to her.

"That's for highschool." I said while punching her. I hit her one more time. "And that's for being a bitch." I yelled as she ran out of Michael's house.

I gained my composure and calmed down. Michael came and hugged me. I pushed him off and walked out to the Ashton's car. Ashton ran after me , calling my name. He caught me by the arm and hugged me. I hugged him tightly not wanting to let go.

Ashton drove me back to my dorm room , lucky for me Abbey wasn't there.

"I can't take it anymore Ash!" I cried. I ran to the bathroom , locking the door and sitting on the end of rhe tub.

"Kay please don't do this." He begged me. I knew what he was talking about , but I didn't respond.

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