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-The next morning in the dorm

  You wake up to the sound of lots of voices.
"Shhhh guys!! I don't want to wake her up." Woozi whisper/shouts. You slowly open your eyes and someone shouts. "TOO LATE HUEHUE!" "You guys are so loud." You mumble and rub your eyes. You get off of Woozi and then realize... You were freaking laying on Woozi. Oh no... here comes the blushing.
  "Hey y/n! You want some eggs?" Joshua asks. "Sure." You mumble. "Hey Josh I want some too!" Woozi shouts. Joshua brings you and Woozi your eggs and you dig in. "Woah these are really good! Where did you learn to cook like this?" You ask Joshua. "I don't know." Joshua replies and laughs.
  "What does everyone think about going out for a movie later?" Vernon asks. "This really scary movie about a puppet is playing now!"
Everyone says yeah, sure, cool etc. in unison, but you say. "You guys go have fun, but I'm not one for scary movies." "Me too." Says Woozi. You yet again start blushing for no reason, but everyone starts teasing you guys and calling you chickens. You don't care though and keep saying no when they beg you.
  "Alright then, we're off!" Says Vernon excitedly. "Okay." Woozi mumbles. "OMG" you think to yourself. That's the moment you realize that you're gonna be alone with Woozi. Obviously you start blushing. The gods must've blessed you today because you NEVER get to be alone with Woozi. You're glad that you get to be alone with him because the boys usually embarrass you in front of him since they know you like him.
  After about 10 minutes of sitting on the couch in awkward silence Woozi asks. "So... Y/n, what do you wanna do?" You reply with "Let's watch Disney movies!" You really like Disney movies for some reason. You hear him chuckle to himself and then realize gahh you just embarrassed yourself. "DUMMY! Disney movies are for kids! Awesome job embarrassing yourself." you think to yourself.
  You run to your bedroom and grab a box of dvds. You hand the box to him and say "Pick one!" He reaches in and grabs "The Little Mermaid." "Do we really have to watch these y/n?" He asks you. "Yes! You'll love it!" You shout back at him.
  When the movie is over you look at him and say "SOOOOO? What do you think?" "It was actually REALLY good!" Woozi replies. "I TOLD YOU SO!!" You shout back at him. You both laugh and he just stares at you.
  You start blushing even more ferociously than usual. He says "Y-y/n... I need to tell you something. "Yes... What is it?" You say anxiously. Woozi takes a deep breath and says. "Y/n. The first day I met you... I knew that you were the one for me. You are the nicest most caring person I've ever met and you are more beautiful than words can explain. I'm not sure if you feel the same, and if you don't I don't want our friendship to be all awkward and stuff..."
  You can't say anything. You are just... shocked!! You see him getting anxious waiting for you reply and say "W-Woozi! I feel the exact same way... but I've been too scared to tell you." That's all you can get out at the moment because you are so shocked. "Ah crap." you think to yourself. Here some the tears. You can feel them welling up in your eyes  and then feel them pour down your cheeks.
  Suddenly Woozi hugs you tight then looks at you right in the eyes. He says "I love you y/n." "I love you Woozi." You reply and he gives you a soft kiss on the lips.

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