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-A few weeks later
-It's morning and you just woke up
You walk out into the living room and all the boys yell "Goodmorning Sleepyhead!" You laugh and sit down. Joshua makes you your favorite breakfast item eggs and you woof them down. But there's something missing... You look around and realize that your boyfriend Woozi is missing. "Guys, where's Woozi??" You ask. "He's still sleeping!" Yells Vernon "You guys are the sleepyhead couple!!!" Mingyu shouts. You stand up and make your way to Woozis bedroom.
When you open the door you see him. Sitting on the bed, laptop still on his lap, headphones still in, but sound asleep. You walk over and give him a quick kiss on the forehead. No movement.
So then you shake his shoulder a little and his eyes start to open slowly. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Woozi groans. You laugh because you know that he hates waking up in the morning. "Cmon Woozi. It's already 12:30!" You say to him. He slowly sits up and just stares at you. Suddenly he gives you a big hug then cups your face in your hands and presses his lips to yours.
Like usual, you start blushing ferociously and he giggles at you which makes you blush even harder. He then gets up and you both walk out into the living room.
Everyone stares at you in shock as they see that you've managed to awaken Woozi. "Woah" they all say as you and Woozi move into the kitchen. "I'm hungry!" Woozi says and smirks at Joshua. "I'm not making anymore eggs!!!" Joshua replies frustrated. Woozi rolls his eyes and opens the refrigerator.
"We need more food!" Woozi complains. "Go get some then." Seungkwan says back at Woozi. "You up for going grocery shopping?" Woozi says and looks at you. You say sure and then go to get ready.
"Ok then, we're off." Woozi says. You guys walk out of the building and hop into Woozis car. You guys arrive at the grocery store and you pull out the list. You guys walk around grabbing the stuff you need, and that's when you spot them... The fangirls. You're used to Woozi being surrounded by his fans and stuff but it really hurts you inside.
They come sprinting over to Woozi, push you out of the way and hug him tight. He puts on his breathtaking smile and hugs them back. Like usual they ask him for pictures and etc.
You just stand off in the corner awkwardly and they just keep talking. Usually they'd be gone by now but they just keep talking to him. "Ah shit." You think to yourself. Here come the tears. Your feelings are hurt but you have no idea why. You thought that you were used to this. When you feel the first tear slip down your face you turn away because you don't want to make a big deal. Then they just start falling like a waterfall. (not literally lol)
At this point you just walk away. You get about halfway down the aisle then you feel a hand on your shoulder and it yanks you back to face the other way. It's Woozi. (obviously) "SHITTTTTT" You think to yourself. "You see the fangirls over there cupping their faces and staring at you guys. For some reason that just makes you cry even more. Woozi kisses you and says. "Why are you crying?" You don't say anything because you physically can't. you're doing the weird gasping for air crying thing that happens when you have meltdowns. (idk how to explain it srry...) He kisses you again and you starts to calm down a little. How can you not feel better when he kisses you? He looks at you right in the eyes and you can feel yourself melting into a little pool of lovestruckness. (like my made up word?)
You reply with "It's okay. I just get a little jealous when I see you with fans but it's fine. I should be used to this by now. You're probably thinking I'm a really spoiled bratty girlfri-" He interrupts you with ANOTHER kiss! "TWO KISSES IN LIKE A MINUTE! I CANT TAKE THIS!" You scream in your head. You can literally feel yourself dissolving into thin air. (literally but not literally) "There's no need to get jealous y/n. I'm yours." He says and kisses
your cheek.
"omfg I'm melting" you say in head and realize that your tears are all gone. All
thanks to Woozi. Whenever he kisses you, you just turn into a big ball of joy.
You're so happy to have such an amazing boyfriend. He never fails to make you feel better. And he always makes you smile when you feel like crying. You guys have your little arguments just like any normal couple, but you guys always make up in the end.

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