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  This one is even shorter than the last xD. srry

-It's morning
Yet again you wake up to the sound of many voices. You had another bad dream last night even after Woozi comforted you. You don't really remember the dream but you can tell because if the cold sweat you're in and the tears rolling down your face. "Wow Woozi that sounds great!" Wonwoo exclaims. They were listening to the new song you guys recorded a few days ago. They are in awe over the song when Seungkwan says "We should probably wake her up now if we want to catch that movie." "And you're sure she likes Disney?" Seungcheol asks. "Yes I'm positive." Woozi says.
  You feel yourself drifting away again but Woozi shakes you awake again. "Y/n! Are you okay? Did you have another dream?" Woozi asked you. You nodded, sat up and wiped your tears. suddenly all the boys gave you a group hug and told you that everything's okay.
  "Hey, y/n we got tickets to go see a Disney movie!" Vernon said hoping to cheer you up, and it did a little. "Ooh which one?" You said, struggling to stop the tears. Woozi lays a soft kiss on your lips. That definitely stops the tears. "It's a Suprise." Woozi replied. Everyone gasped. They didn't know you guys were a thing. You smirked at them and the got up to get ready.
  You spent the rest of the day with the boys messing around in town. The boys embarrassed you like usual in front of Woozi but now even more, because they know you're a thing by telling how much you love him and stuff like that. You had a really good day and didn't have another bad dream for a really long time!

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